Kelly KLS-8080N/NPS KLS-180N/NPS Sinusoidal BLDC/PMSM Controller User
’s Manual V1.11
Chapter 3 Wiring and Installation
3.1 Mounting the Controller
The controller can be oriented in any position which should be as clean and dry as possible,
and if necessary, shielded with a cover to protect it from water and contaminants.
To ensure full rated output power, the controller should be fastened to a clean, flat metal
surface with four screws. Applying silicon grease or some other thermal conductive material to
contact surface will enhance thermal performance.
Proper heat sinking and airflow are vital to achieve the full power capability of the controller.
The case outline and mounting holes
‟ dimensions are shown in Figure 1,2 and 3.
Figure1: KLSxx201-8080N/NPS
mounting holes
‟ dimensions
(dimensions in millimeters) +/B+/B-/U/V/W:M8