S530/S540 KTE Linear Parametric Test Library (LPTLib) User's Manual
Section 2: Linear Parametric Test Library
S530-900-01 Rev. E / September 2017
Error messages
There are two parts to an error message generated by the S530/S540. These are the error header
and the error text. An example error message looks like the following:
2017/03/01 12:00 - E0101
Argument #2 is not a pin in the current configuration.
In this example
2017/03/01 12:00 - E0101
is the error header and
Argument #2 is not a pin
in the current configuration.
is the text. The error header provides information about the
error and the error text explains the cause of the error.
The first part of the header is the date and time the error occurred. Next is the letter
followed by the
error number. In the example, the error number is
Special error values returned
The Linear Parametric Test Library (LPTLib) commands may return error values in place of actual
measurement values. These values are summarized in
(on page 4-1). For example,
the following Keithley Interactive Test Tool (KITT) macro will generate a matrix error before trying to
make a measurement.
conpin(SMU1, 999, 0);
Rather than a true voltage reading, the actual value returned in the
variable is
. This
indicates that no measurement was made due to an error. In this case, it was the matrix connection