Multiple channel operation
Multiple channel operation should only be performed by experienced test engineers who
recognize the dangers associated with multiple channel closures.
For the Model 7709, multiple channel operation provides independent control of channels 17 through 48 (Rows 3 through 6).
When you close multiple channel, only the specified channel (or channels) will close. Other closed channels are not affected.
Rows 3 through 6 are used to add one or more external sources to the test system. As shown in
connects the external source to DUT 1.
Multiple channel operation for the Model 7709 is summarized as follows:
• For earlier versions of the Model 2700, multiple channel operation is not available from the front panel (remote
operation only).
• For the Model 2701/2750 and later versions of the Model 2700, the MULTI option of the CLOSE key can be used
to close a channel.
• For the Model 2701/2750 and later versions of the Model 2700, the MULTI option of the OPEN key can be used to
open a channel. The ALL option of the OPEN key opens all channels.
Close specified channels (unlisted channels not affected).
Open specified channels (unlisted channels not affected).
Returns list of all closed channels.
Query closed channels in list (1 = closed).
You can also use the following command to open all channels:
Open all channels.
All service information is intended only for qualified service personnel. Do not attempt
to service the Model 7709 unless you are qualified to do so.
Performance verification
Performance verification can be performed on Rows A and B signal paths to the Model 27xx DMM. Use the performance
verification procedure for the Model 7700, which is provided in Section 1 of this manual.
When using the performance verification procedure, connect the voltage, resistance, thermistor or 4-wire RTD to matrix
columns, and close the appropriate system channel to make the measurement.
Replaceable parts
This section contains replacement parts information and the component layout drawing for the Model 7709.
Parts list