Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
Section 8: Troubleshooting guide
707B-901-01 Rev. A / August 2010
Communicate using VISA communicator
There are several interactive communication utilities that you can use to communicate with LAN
The KIOL installs the Keithley Communicator.
NI VISA (full version) installs the NI VISA Interactive Control utility, which can also be launched
from NI-MAX.
Agilent has a similar utility called Interactive IO that gets installed with their IO Libraries Suite.
All these utilities require you to enter the VISA resource string for your instrument. See
(on page 2-25) for more information on the VISA resource string formats.
HyperTerminal, which comes with Microsoft Windows, also allows you to connect to the raw socket
port of the instrument.
WireShark is an open source LAN packet sniffer. You can run it to spy on all the packets going across
a network. It allows you to filter what you spy on so that you can narrow the content down to just what
you are interested in. For example, you could check just web page packets (http) or all packets being
sent by a device on a certain IP address.
See the WireShark documentation for information. WireShark can be downloaded from
Testing the display, keys, and channel matrix
You can test operation of the keys, display, and crosspoint display (707B only) from the front panel of
the instrument.
Verify front panel key operation
You can verify that the instrument is properly reading front panel key presses.
To verify key operation:
1. From the front panel, select
. The message "No keys
pressed" is displayed.
2. Press a key. The name of the key is displayed. For a list of key values, see
3. Press
twice to return to the menu.