6517B-900-01 Rev. A / Jun 2008
Section 5: Remote Operation
Model 6517B Electrometer User’s Manual
CALL SPOLL(27, poll%, status%)
IF (poll% AND 64)=0 THEN GOTO WaitSRQ
CALL SEND(27, "trac:data?", status%)
CALL ENTER(reading$, length%, 27, status%)
PRINT reading$
Taking readings with the scanner card
The Model 6521 and Model 6522 are optional 10-channel scanner cards for the Model 6517B.
Only one channel can be closed at a time. If you close a channel while another is already closed,
the first one opens with break-before-make operation.
You can use the scanner card two ways. One is to issue a command to close a particular channel
before sending other commands to take readings. The other way is to program the scan list, and
let the meter take care of closing a channel before taking a reading.
The following example program measures voltage on channel 1, amps on channel 2, and
resistance on channel 3, using the
'Example program to demonstrate taking readings on different
'scanner channels
'For QuickBASIC 4.5 and KPC-488.2/CEC interface card
'Edit the following line to where the QuickBASIC
'libraries are on your computer
'$INCLUDE: 'c:\qb45\ieeeqb.bi'
'Initialize the interface as address 21
CALL initialize(21, 0)
'Reset controls in INIT, ARM;LAY1, ARM:LAY2, and TRIG subsystems
'and put trigger model in IDLE state, set function to volts
CALL SEND(27, "*rst", status%)
'Close channel 1, take voltage reading
CALL SEND(27, "rout:clos (@1);:read?", status%)
reading$ = SPACE$(80)
CALL ENTER(reading$, length%, 27, status%)
PRINT reading$
'Close channel 2, take current reading
CALL SEND(27, "func 'curr:dc'", status%)
CALL SEND(27, "rout:clos (@2);:read?", status%)
reading$ = SPACE$(80)
CALL ENTER(reading$, length%, 27, status%)
PRINT reading$
'Close channel 3, take ohms reading
CALL SEND(27, "func 'res'", status%)
CALL SEND(27, "rout:clos (@3);:read?", status%)
reading$ = SPACE$(80)
CALL ENTER(reading$, length%, 27, status%)
PRINT reading$
The following example program sets up the Model 6517B using a scan list to measure DC voltage
on channels 1, 2, and 3. The meter takes ten sets of readings, with each set spaced 15 seconds
apart, and each of the three readings in each group taken as fast as possible. The Model 6517B
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