Remote Operation
Model 6487 Reference Manual
Response Message Terminator (RMT)
Each response is terminated with an LF (line feed) and EOI (end or identify). The follow-
ing example shows how a multiple response message is terminated:
0; 1; 1; 0; <RMT>
Message exchange protocol
Two rules summarize the message exchange protocol:
Rule 1.
Always tell the Model 6487 what to send to the computer. The following two
steps must always be performed to send information from the instrument to the
1. Send the appropriate query command(s) in a program message.
2. Address the Model 6487 to talk.
Rule 2.
The complete response message must be received by the computer before
another program message can be sent to the Model 6487.
RS-232 interface reference
Sending and receiving data
The RS-232 interface transfers data using seven or eight data bits and one stop bit. Parity
selections include none, odd, or even. When using the RS-232 interface, the unit will not
respond to DDC or general GPIB commands.
RS-232 settings
The procedure to select and configure the RS-232 interface is provided in
configuring an interface,” page 9-2
. Make sure the controller you connect to the
Model 6487 also uses these settings.
You can break data transmissions by sending a ^C or ^X character string to the
Model 6487. This clears any pending operation and discards any pending
Baud rate
The baud rate is the rate at which the Model 6487 and the programming terminal commu-
nicate. You can choose from one of the following rates: 57.6k, 38.4k, 19.2k, 9600, 4800,
2400, 1200, 600, or 300.