Buffer and Sweeps
Model 6487 Reference Manual
Two values, separated by commas, are returned. The first value indicates how many bytes
of memory are available and the second value indicates how many bytes are reserved to
store readings.
B) :TRACe:FEED <name>
Name parameters:
SENSe — Raw input readings are stored in the buffer.
CALCulate1 — The results of the mX+b, m/X+b, or log calculation are stored in
the buffer. See
for information on mX+b, m/X+b, or log.
CALCulate2 — Test limit or Rel readings are stored in the buffer. See
information on limit tests.
C) :TRACe:FEED:CONTrol <name>
Name parameters:
NEXT — Enables the buffer and turns on the asterisk (*) annunciator. After the
buffer stores the specified number of readings, the asterisk annunciator turns off.
NEVer — Disables the buffer.
D) :TRACe:TSTamp:FORMat <name>
Name parameters:
ABSolute — Each timestamp is referenced to the first reading stored in the buffer.
DELTa — Timestamps provide the time between each buffer reading.
The timestamp data element can be included with each buffer reading (see Ref F).
The response message will include one to four data elements for each stored read-
ing. Use the FORMat:ELEMents command (see Ref F) to specify the elements.
Reading an empty buffer will result in the “ERROR: -230” display message.
Buffer data can be sent in the binary format. (See
for details).