IEEE-488 and SCPI Conformance Information
Model 6487 Reference Manual
The IEEE-488.2 standard requires specific information about how the Model 6487 imple-
ments the standard. Paragraph 4.9 of the IEEE-488.2 standard (Std 488.2-1987) lists the
documentation requirements.
provides a summary of the requirements and pro-
vides the information or references the manual for that information.
lists the
coupled commands used by the Model 6487.
The Model 6487 complies with SCPI version 1996.0.
the SCPI confirmed commands and the non-SCPI commands implemented by the
Model 6487.
Table E-1
IEEE-488 documentation requirements
Description or Reference
IEEE-488 Interface Function Codes.
Behavior of 6487 when the address is set outside the
range 0-30.
Behavior of 6487 when valid address is entered.
Power-On Setup Conditions.
Message Exchange Options:
Input buffer size.
Queries that return more than one response message
Queries that generate a response when parsed.
Queries that generate a response when read.
Coupled commands.
Functional elements required for SCPI commands.
Buffer size limitations for block data.
Syntax restrictions.
Response syntax for every query command.
Device-to-device message transfer that does not follow
rules of the standard.
Block data response size.
Common Commands implemented by 6487.
Calibration query information.
Trigger macro for *DDT.
Cannot enter an invalid address.
Address changes and bus resets.
Determine by :SYSTem:POSetup
2048 bytes.
All queries (Common Commands and
Contained in SCPI command
subsystems tables (see
Block display messages: 12 characters
See Programming Syntax in
See Programming Syntax in
See Display Subsystem in
See Common Commands in
Not applicable.