DDC Emulation Commands
Model 6487 Reference Manual
When an SRQ is generated by the Model 6487, bit 6 of the status byte will be set. After an
SRQ, the status byte will remain unchanged until it is read.
The various bits in the status byte are described below:
Reading Overflow (B0)
— Set when an overrange input is applied to the instrument.
Cleared when on on-scale reading has been made.
Data Store Full (B1)
— Set when the number of readings stored is equal to the buffer
size. Cleared by re-arming data store.
Data Store 1/2 Full (B2)
— Set when the number of readings stored is equal to half the
buffer size. Cleared by re-arming data store.
Reading Done (B3)
— Set when the instrument has completed the present conversion and
is ready to take another reading. Cleared when the reading has been sent.
Ready (B4)
— Set when the instrument has processed all previous commands and is
ready to begin processing new commands or triggers. Cleared while instrument is process-
ing commands or triggers.
Error (B5)
— Set when one of the following errors has occurred:
No remote
Self test
Trigger overrun
Cal locked
Zero check
Calibration error
PROM defaults error
PROM cal constants error
V-source conflict
This bit is cleared when the U1 status word is read to determine the nature of the error (see
RQS (B6)
— Set when the Model 6487 has generated a request for service via the SRQ
line. Cleared by reading the status byte.