Model 6487 Reference Manual
DISPlay, FORMat, and SYSTem
The response to READ?, FETCh?, MEASure?, TRACe:DATA?, CALC1:DATA?,
CALC2:DATA?, or CALC3:DATA? over the GPIB can be returned in either the ASCii or
binary format. All other queries are returned in ASCii, regardless of the selected format.
Over the RS-232 interface, only the ASCII format is allowed.
Regardless of which data format for output strings is selected, the instrument
will only respond to input commands using the ASCII format.
ASCII data format
The ASCII data format is in a direct readable form for the operator. Most programming
languages easily convert ASCII mantissa and exponent to other formats. However, some
speed is compromised to accommodate the conversion.
shows an example
ASCII string that includes all the data elements. See :ELEMents for information on the
data elements.
also shows the byte order of the data string. Data elements not specified by the
:ELEMents command are simply not included in the string. Note that the status value is
always an integer, but it is still expressed in scientific notation.
Figure 13-1
ASCII data format
+1.040564E-06A, +2.2, +1.2, +123.4500