Model 6487 Reference Manual
Remote Operation
These rules apply to command words that exceed four letters:
If the fourth letter of the command word is a vowel, delete it and all letters after it.
immediate = :imm
If the fourth letter of the command word is a consonant, retain it but drop all the
letters after it.
:format = :form
If the command contains a question mark (?) or a non-optional number included in
the command word, you must include it in the short-form version.
:delay? = :del?
Command words or characters that are enclosed in brackets ([ ]) are optional and need
not be included in the program message.
Program messages
A program message is made up of one or more command words sent by the computer to
the instrument. Each common command is simply a three letter acronym preceded by an
asterisk (*). The following SCPI commands from the STATus subsystem are used to help
explain how command words are structured to formulate program messages.
Single command messages
The above command structure has three levels. The first level is made up of the root com-
mand (:STATus) and serves as a path. The second level is made up of another path
(:OPERation) and a command (:PRESet). The third path is made up of one command for
the :OPERation path. The three commands in this structure can be executed by sending
three separate program messages as follows:
:stat:oper:enab <NRf>
In each of the above program messages, the path pointer starts at the root command (:stat)
and moves down the command levels until the command is executed.
Command structure
Path (Root)
:ENABle <NRf>
Command and parameter
Query command