6.4 The Boil
Remove the malt pipe from the brew vessel
and heat the wort to boiling temperature. In-
crease the power setting to 2500W and set
the time to 60 – 90 minutes depending on the
beer style. At this stage, keep the lid on to
increase heating and turn the pump off.
Weigh and portion out your hops according to
your hop schedule. Any leftover hops should
be closed and stored in a freezer to keep
fresh for later brew days.
Once boiling temperature has been reached,
take the lid off and pitch in your hops. Keep
the lid off to allow unwanted volatiles to be
boiled away. Stay on time with your hop
schedule but most importantly, enjoy the
fresh aromas coming out of your brewery.
Generally, a 60-minute boil at 2500W will re-
move 4 to 5 litres of wort through evaporation.
6.5 Wort cooling and transferring
Your wort has finished boiling and you are
almost at the end of your brew day. We
need to move the wort out of the brew ves-
sel into a sanitary fermentor or 20L cube.
If you plan to ferment on the day, then the
wort needs to be cooled before moving into
the fermentor. This can be done by simply
placing the coiled immersion chiller into the
wort and connect one end to a water hose.
We recommend using silicone tubing to
help with the connection. Turn on the water
hose allow for the wort to cool down to 20 –
25°C. When you are ready to transfer, turn
on the pump and slowly move the wort into
the fermentor.
Once your fermentor is filled, turn off the
pump, oxygenate your wort and pitch your
yeast. Close off your fermentor and enjoy
the fruits of your labour in a week or two.