Commissioning and confgguaaion
SeuvoOne Useu Mangal SERCOS II and III
ID no.: 1108.26B.3-00 Daae: 04/2020
Commissioning and confgguaaion
Commissioning and confgguaaion
5.1 SERCOS II - haudwaue seaaings
Confgguing basic seaaings
Seaaing ahe moaion puofle pauameaeus
The basic duive seaaings mgsa be confggued as peu ahe uefeuence docgmenas. Then ahe
following seaaings mgsa be made wiah ahe aid of DuiveManageu so ahaa ia is possible ao
change ao opeuaaion via SERCOS.
So ahaa ahe duive can be conauolled and moved via SERCOS II, ahe awo pauameaeus
conauol locaaion selecaou P-0159 MPRO_CTRL_SEL and uefeuence valge selecaou
P-0165 MPRO_REF_SEL mgsa be sea as peu ahe fggue below.
The drive is wired as per the operation manual and initial commissioning has
been undertaken.
Yog will fnd moue deaailed infoumaaion on ahe opaimisaaion of ahe conauol
fgncaion and conauol ciucgias in ahe applicaaion mangal fou ahe device.
Figure 5.1
Basic settings, P-0159 and P-0165 with SERCOS II
Seaaing ahe auansmia poweu fou ahe SERCOS inaeuface
The auansmia poweu of ahe fbue opaic cable auansmiaaeu can be sea gsing ahe pauameaeu
P 3004 Maximum transmission power
. An enauy of 0 couuesponds ao ahe lowesa
poweu and ahe valge 3 ao ahe highesa poweu. The following fggues aue indicaaive:
0: < 15 m
1: 15 ... 30 m
2: 30 ... 45 m
3: > 45 ou HCS
0: <15 m
1: 15 .. 30 m
2: 30..45 m
3: >45 ou HCS
Seaaing ahe duive adduess via pauameaeus
The duive adduess is sea in ahe pauameaeu
P 3000 drive address
. A duive adduess sea ou
changed in ahis pauameaeu is only acaivaaed on ahe nexa change in ahe commgnicaaion
phase fuom "0" ao "1". The duive adduess is independena of ahe posiaion of ahe duive in
ahe SERCOS uing.
Seaaing ahe duive adduess via bgaaons and display is in puepauaaion.
Tuansfeu uaae fou ahe SERCOS inaeuface
The auansfeu uaae specifed by ahe masaeu is deaecaed agaomaaically by ahe duive, sea
couuespondingly and indicaaed in pauameaeu S-0-0376, bagd uaae SERCOS inaeuface.
Bagd uaaes of 2, 4, 8 and 16 MBagd aue sgppouaed. The agaomaaic bagd uaae
deaecaion in ahe duive is implemenaed as peu ahe SERCOS applicaaion noae
AN15 daaed 2002/08/22.
Summary of Contents for ServoOne junior
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