Connection KeTop
User's Manual, Version: 1.3
© KEBA 2007
The grey stop button fulfils also all mechanical aspects of the
EN ISO 13850 and differs from the emergency stop button only by its color.
Not fully functional emergency stop devices may have fatal conse-
quences! Emergency stop switches which are red-yellow marked must
be effective under all circumstances in all operating modes of a ma-
chine or plant.
Store handheld terminals with not operational red-yellow emergency
stop switches on a place where the operator cannot see it, so that he
can not mistake the device.
Handheld terminals which are plugged in and out frequently for tempo-
rarely use, must not have a red-yellow emergency stop switch. Such
devices must be equipped with a grey stop switch.
Resetting an activated emergency stop facility must not result in uncon-
trolled start-up of machines or installations.
The emergency stop button does not replace other safety facilities.
The emergency stop button on the handheld terminal does not replace
the emergency stop buttones to be mounted directly on the machine
Some mechanical errors in emergency stop switches can be recognized
at operation only.
Test the function of the emergency stop switch when the device had
been exposed to mechanical shock (e.g. it had been fallen on the
Note for maintenance:
Additionally the emergency stop switch must be tested cyclic (6
monthly). Watch the machine stopping after the emergency stop switch
had been pushed.
For further informations to emergency stop switch observe chapt. CE
Conformity, Directives and Standards.
The manufacturer guarantees a lifetime of > 50,000 switching cycles.