General product discription
KeTop T50VGA
User's Manual, Version: 1.3
© KEBA 2007
3 General product discription
The handheld terminal KeTop is a portable operating and display device
with rugged design and Windows-CE compatible electronics.
Using a high-performance Iprocessor and providing a serial interface and
Ethernet, the KeTop is ideal for a great variety of applications (see chapt.
Intended Use of the Handheld Terminal
All tasks can be solved graphically and in color, and operation is intuitive
using a touch screen.
Instead of rotating mass memories such as floppy disk and hard disk drives
that are not suitable for rough environmental conditions, the KeTop uses
scalable FLASH and RAM banks.
The KeTop provides a Windows CE platform for applications generated
with common visualization tools or with C#, Visual Basic.NET or Visual
C++. Moreover, the KeTop can be connected as a client to a Win NT, Win
2000 or Windows XP server.
Through the use of optional operating and control elements, the KeTop can
easily be adapted to the specific application.