D3-DA 3xx/x
Safety functions
Project engineering manual V1.07
Short circuits on the OSSD outputs to 24 V an other outputs are de-
tected from the safety control via diagnosis measurements if the output
test is activated. It is changed into safe state.
The failure "Simultaneous short circuit of both outputs to 24 V" must be
excluded by suitable wiring!
Example: STO without SBC control via safety control
The D3-DA 3xx/x supports a separate STO controlling of the axes. STO1 is
fix assigned to the first axis, the both other axes can be assigned to STO1 or
STO2 depending on the DIP switch setting. If sperated STO controlling is
used the safety function SBC may not be activated, because it is always as-
signed to STO1.
Fig. 8-45: STO without SBC control
... D3-DU 3x5/x
... D3-DA 3xx/x
By usage of STO1 and STO2 on an axis module the safety function SBC
must be deactivated via DIP switch, because SBC is always released with
STO1. Otherwise no SBC is released on the requested STO2 or SBC will be
activated on all axes with the requested STO1, although axis 2 and 3 have
no STO!