KDS innova 600 Instruction Manual Download Page 24



Regular maintenance is required to keep the KDS 600 helicopter in optimal and safe flying condition. The model requires 
precise configuration of the components and settings to be kept by the owner. Maintain regular maintenance on the model
to avoid accidents or loss and optimum performance

1.Main Rotor Housing: when the main rotor housing is worn or faulty, there will be obvious vibration and poor flight control. 

Check  the  main  rotor,  main  shaft,  and  feathering  shaft  for  wear  or  deformity.  Replace  parts  as  necessary  to  eliminate 

2 O-Rings:The  O-Rings  will  lose  their  elasticity  over  time.  This  will  cause  excess  play  on  rotor  and  cause  instability. 

Replace them as needed.

3.Main Rotor Holder: when the helicopter will not fly or reacts sluggishly, even after checking for proper setting of pitch and

throttle check the following items: Plastic parts  Bearings  Ball bearings  Rotor Blades.

   Check for excess play or broken parts, or binding or restricted movement. lt is important to check for main rotor balance 

before each flight Operating the model when out of balance will cause excessive wear and premature failure of  parts, 
possibly resulting in a dangerous situation.

4.Control Arm Assembly: Check regularly for cracked, worn, bent or binding control arms and pushrods. Smooth morement 

of control arms and linkages is required for stable, vibration free flight.

5.Swashplate:Check  for  excess  slop  in  the  main  ball  where  the  main  shaft  rides  on, and  slop  or  looseness  between  the 

plastic and metal surfaces. Swashplate wear will result in poor stability and lack of control during flight. Replace them as 

1.Tail Rotor Control Set: Check the tail rotor bearing regularly. lf there is excess play or gaps, replace it immediately. Avoid 

any binding or improper contact on the tail components and bearings as this will cause excess wear and heat, potentially 
melting or deforming the tail system.

2.Tail  Unit  Assembly:  Avoid  flying  in  tall  grass  or  weeds.  lf  grass  or  weed  becomes  lodged  in  the  tail  rotor  unit,  it  will 

interfere  with  the  operation,  and  cause  the  helicopter  to  lose  control. Always  check  for  foreign  objects  in  the  tail  and 
clean them off immediately. Avoid using lubricants on the exposed surfaces of the model as it will attract and collect dirt
and debris, and cause failure.

3.Tail Rotor Housing

Disassemble tail totor housing for cleaning and maintenance after every 50flights.lf the tail does not 

operate smoothly or shows any signs of stress or wear, please replace immediately.

4.Tail  Rotor:  Check  the  tail  rotor  blades  regularly  for  damage,  especitlly  if  the  helicopter  ever  strikes  the  ground  while 

flying, or after hard landings. Damaged tail rotor blades can induce vibration.







































请 定期 检 查:


 电动 摇 控 直升 机 为精 密 零组 件 构 成之 精 细模 型 商品 。 所以 飞 行 者须 注 意确 保 各控 制 组件 及 结 构之 性 能良 好 ,使 能 发

挥 优 异 稳 定 飞 行 特 性 。如 果 您 的 维 护 不 当 , 飞 行 时 将 可 以 导 致 意外 或 任 何 损 失 , 建 议 您 注 意 养 成 直 升 机 定 期检 查 的 习 惯 , 以 确 保 让 您 的 爱
机 随时 保 持最 佳 性能 。

1 .主 旋 翼 固定 座 : 当 主 旋 翼 运 转 发 生 异 常 时 , 飞 行 当 中 发生 的 震 动 情 形 , 请 检 查 主 旋 翼 、 横 轴 、 主 轴 是 否有 变 形 或 平 衡 不 良 , 必 要 时 请 将

主 旋翼 头 固定 座 更新 。

2 .主旋 翼 缓动 油 封: 缓 动油 封 长期 使 用会 发 生弹 性 疲乏 , 会影 响 飞行 稳 定性 , 此时 建 议更 新 。
3 .主 旋 翼 夹座 : 主 旋 翼 夹 座 一 般 飞 行 前 虽 然 确 认 过 螺 距 ,但 实 际 飞 行 时 仍 需 增 加 螺 距 行 程 才 足 够 使 用 , 如果 飞 行 时 升 降 动 作 迟 缓 情 形 : 检

查 重 点 包 含 了 塑 胶 件 以 及 轴 承 、 球 轴 承 等 , 塑 胶 件 及 球 轴 承若 发 现 明 显 间 隙 , 轴 承 钢 轴 脱 落 均 需 要 更 换 新 品 。 注 意 : 飞 行 前 主 旋 翼 必 须
详 细的 做 好动 平 衡的 动 作, 并 请修 正 双桨 不 良的 状 况, 以 提升 升 力效 能 ,注 意 因平 衡 不佳 将 各导 致 零件 损 坏与 松 脱。

4 .控制 壁 组: 定 期检 查 各控 制 臂控 制 滑顺 , 减少 左 右摇 晃 虚位 可 确保 停 态稳 定 性能 。

5 .十 字 盘 组: 当 十 字 盘 组 发 生 严 重 虚 位 时 , 会 导 致 停 态 时稳 定 性 能 不 稳 定 , 操 控 性 能 也 会 劣 化 , 并 可 能 发生 不 明 原 因 的 双 桨 现 象 , 严 重 时

则 必须 更 新。

1 .主 轴 轴 承 : 主轴 轴 承 经 长 期 重 负 载 运 作 , 正 常 飞 行 约6 0 - 1 0 0趟 必 须 更 换 新 品 以 维 持 动 作 顺 畅 度 。 但 是 若 经 常 进 行 激 烈 的3 D飞 行 , 建 议 您

必 须时 常 检查 主 轴轴 承 ,当 发 现主 轴 轴承 有 明显 的 间隙 或 是转 动 有明 显 的阻 碍 都必 须 更换 新 品 。

2 .单 向 轴 承 组 : 单 向 轴 承 级 并 不 常 发 生 损 坏 的 情 形 。 但 是 为 了 保 持 良 好 的 顺 畅 的 运 作 , 建 议 您 约5 0趟 的 周 期 当 中 请 拆 卸 下 来 上 油 。 如 果 发

生 主齿 轮 明显 异 动, 请 立即 更 换单 向 轴承 盘 。

3 .尾 转 动 皮带 : 尾 转 动 皮 带 虽 然 采 用 日 制 原 装 纤 维 耐 变 形皮 带 , 长 时 间 使 用 时 仍 然 会 产 生 延 展 的 现 象 。 请随 时 检 查 施 以 心 向 尾 管 重 新 拉 伸

修 正 调 整 , 以 维 持 良 好 的 尾 舵 控 制 机 能 。 如 果 当 您 发 现 皮 带 的 边 缘 磨 耗 严 重 现 象 或 是 断 齿 的 状 况 , 为 了 维 护 飞 行 的 安 全 建 议 你 将 它 更
新 。

控 制 连 杆 、 控 制 臂 连 接座 、 升 降 舵 连 接 座 组 装 时 请 特 别 注 意 各 连接 部 位 需 保 持 滑 须 且 尽 量 减 少 轴 向 左 右 摇 晃间 隙 , 此 要 点 将 严 重 影 响 飞 行
稳 定 性 能 各 连 接 杆 如 因跌 机 损 坏 之 外 。 因 自 然 磨 损 或 是 因 飞 行 场地 恶 劣 因 素 也 会 发 生 磨 损 或 松 脱 的 情 形 。 当您 发 现 任 何 连 接 杆 发 生 间 隙 或
是 轻推 即 可脱 出 ,建 议 您立 即 更新 , 确保 飞 行性 能 与安 全 。

1 .尾 齿 轮 组: 尾 齿 轮 组 请 注 意 尾 旋 翼 轴 承 的 检 查 , 当 您 发现 轴 承 有 明 显 的 间 隙 时 请 更 新 , 避 免 轴 承 咬 死 ,并 请 注 意 尾 舵 轮 不 可 将 它 锁 死 。

必须 能 保持 顺 畅运 动 以免 发 生塑 胶 件熔 毁 的情 形 。

2 .尾 旋 翼 控制 滑 座 : 当 您 于 草 地 飞 行 时 , 请 注 意 避 免 尾 旋翼 滑 座 是 否 有 发 生 落 地 时 卷 入 杂 草 的 状 况 , 若 有必 须 立 即 将 它 清 除 再 进 行 下 一 次

飞 行 , 否 则 可 能 会 因 为 杂 草 纤 维 阻 碍 动 作 。造 成 尾 旋 翼 控 制 失 常 的 情 形 , 平 常 保 养 尽 量 避 免 使 用 润 滑 油 于 外 部 结 构 , 避 免 沾 染 灰 尘 等 杂
物, 严 重时 甚 至会 发 生其 它 部位 轴 承磨 损 及尾 旋 翼滑 座 无法 运 作的 情 形 。

3 .尾 旋 翼 固 定 座 : 尾 旋 翼 固 定 座 飞 行 约5 0趟 左 右 请 拆 卸 进 行 清 洁 保 养 , 确 认 轴 承 间 隙 是 否 正 常 。 如 转 动 不 顺 或 间 隙 过 大 请 更 换 轴 承 , 确 保

控制 系 统完 善 。

4 .尾 旋 翼 : 飞 行 时 发 生 触 地 的 情 形 请 立 即 检 修 。 若 发 现 尾 旋 翼 有 明 显 的 外 观 损 坏 时 请 立 即 更 换 。 以 避 免 发 生 尾 部 震 动 并 因 此 损 坏 其 它 零

件, 确 保飞 行 品质 。

KDS 600






 主旋翼机 构检查重点

 机身组检查 重点

 控制杆组头检查重 点

 尾旋翼系统检查重 点

1.Main Shaft Bearing: Normal replacement interval for proper operation is between 60-100 flights. lf flying 3D or extreme 

aerobatics often, inspect the bearing more frequently and shorten the interval as necessary.

2.One-way Bearing: One-way bearings have longer lifetimes. Failure is not common. To keep the one-w ay bearing in good 

operation, remove it to clean and lubricate after every 50 flights.  lf  the main drive  gear is  loose , you should replace the 
one-way bearing.

3.Drive Belt: KDS uses only top quality, stretch-proof belts. lt is however, impossible to prevent the belt from stretching or 

wearing out. Check belt tension regularly, and check for the wear  on the teeth. Replace it as the belt  necessary.

During  assembly,  take  special  care  to  keep  the  connecting  parts  in  smooth  operation,  and  avoid  exce ss  play  or  binding. 
Failure  to  do  so  will  result  in  poor  flight  stability.  The  linkage  rods  and  ends  will  break  and  wea r  due  to  normal  usage, 
crashing, and poor maintenance and environment. Check for wear and proper operation regularly,replace them as needed.


Summary of Contents for innova 600

Page 1: ...INSTRUCTION MANUAL www kdsmodel com 600...

Page 2: ...ing remote control helicopters After the sale of this product we cannot maintain any control over its operation or usage KDS 600 NOTE Fly only in safe areas away from other people Do not operate R C a...

Page 3: ...e no one else is operating on the same frequency for the safety Before flying please check if the power of transmitter and helicopter are enough for the flight Before turn on the transmitter please ch...

Page 4: ...E Keep plastic parts away from heat 609 340 15 340 When you see the marks as below please use glue or grease to ensure flying safety When assembling ball links make sure the A character faces outside...

Page 5: ...Apply grease on thrust bearing Smaller ID Larger ID 001 002 001 003 004 Thrust bearing F8 16M X2 Washer 12 15 8 0 5 X2 Bearing 8 16 5 X4 005 007 008 006 Socket screw M3 10 X2 Socket screw M2 5 6 X4 L...

Page 6: ...te Metal main rotor housing Pin Feathering shaft sleeve Feathering shaft Damper rubber Washer 021 2 2 022 Washer Socket screw M3 6 8 94 8 7 9 13 6 5 5 13 1 2 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 So...

Page 7: ...032 4 2 033 Ball link Linkage ball B B 2 2 18 023 024 025 026 Socket screw M3 X4 6 Washer 3 5 5 0 5 X2 028 029 030 013 031 032 033 027 2 028 Flybar control rod 1 034 Flybar rod 034 Bearing 4 9 4 X2 B...

Page 8: ...se keep the smooth movements on main shaft and level bottom bracket then slowly tighten the screws This assembly can help for the power and flight performance 2 041 Bearing 30 051 2 042 Main shaft mou...

Page 9: ...g skid KIMI screw Landing skid pipe rubber ring 067 4 2 068 Landing skid stopper Skid pipe 2 061 4 069 Socket screw M3 M3 10 064 065 066 067 068 069 KIMI screw M3 3 X4 Apply a little amount of T43 thr...

Page 10: ...tor pinion Motor mount Socket screw Servo horn 078 8 Socket screw 12T Kv500 5 8 5 Linkage ball C C Servo plate Servo 680 Apply a little amount of T43 thread lock when fixing a metal part Socket screw...

Page 11: ...n Quantity Specification Socket screw ST3 10 X4 Socket screw ST2 5 10 X4 Linkage ball C C 5 8 5 X2 M2 Nut M2 X2 2 Servo mount 039 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 074 080 4 Socket screw 081 1 Servo 690...

Page 12: ...090 Pulley Pulley cover One way bearing block 091 1 1 2 18 16 Cruciform slotted Screw One way Bearing Main shaft Socket screw M3 6 X4 Cruciform slotted Screw ST2 4 X6 One way Bearing 12 18 16 X1 Washe...

Page 13: ...Spare part No 092 1 Dosage form of spare parts Description Quantity Specification Pin 3 18 1 1 2 5 9 7 096 095 094 093 092 1 1 095 096 Bearing Main shaft bearing block 12 24 6 Apply a little amount of...

Page 14: ...control arm 2 102 Shear type arm 4 4 2 103 104 105 Bearing Socket screw Collar 4 106 Bearing 113 2 2 4 114 115 Tail boom Tail control fixing ring 116 2 2 117 Socket screw Stabilizer mount fixing ring...

Page 15: ...uantity Specification Linkage rod A A 2 3 2 119 120 121 Linkage rod B B Linkage rod C C Diplopore linkage rod 2 2 76 100mm 100mm 118 119 120 032 2 2 18 2 2 32 Apply a little amount of T43 thread lock...

Page 16: ...ring CF Vertical stabilizer 051 123 110 124 125 126 128 127 129 130 131 132 133 013 056 134 138 114 010 135 136 008 005 137 012 1 1 1 128 129 130 1 136 Bearing Tail unit mounting bolt 137 1 2 138 Meta...

Page 17: ...Conterol link Pin F5 10M 4 1 1 144 145 146 2 153 E ring E tail blade control bearing sleeve 154 2 1 155 Main blade Washer Washer Socket screw 550 1 147 1 156 Tail l inkage rod Tail bearing sleever 2 1...

Page 18: ...5 158 010 2 4 159 012 Bearing Collar Washout control arm Washout base arm Branch arm 005 2 4 032 Ball link Washer Socket screw Linkage ball A A 4 4 104 103 2 118 Socket screw Bearing Linkage rod A A 2...

Page 19: ...reference angle shown in the photo lf the blade tracking s not set correctly you will be able to identify the blade with the red identifying mark rotating higher or lower than the other blade A i Link...

Page 20: ...tting the throttle to provide a higher speed is preferable to increasing the pitch too high 1 Pitch 25 2 3 40 65 85 95 1 2 3 4 5 80 85 90 100 1 2 3 4 5 90 100 1 2 3 4 5 Standard Flug Throttle Pitch 9...

Page 21: ...FLIGHT ADJUSTMENT AND SETTING 20 Move left Move right Rotate left Rotate right Aileron Elevator Fly forward Forward rotate Fly backward backward rotate Throttle Ascent Descent Rudder Turn right Turn l...

Page 22: ...00 21 TS Motor mount 550 24 TTS CF tail unit plate 550 30 TTS Tail arm holder 550 26 TTS Tail rotor hub 550 27 TTS Tail rotor shaft assembly 550 28 TTS Tail pitch assembly 550 25 TTS Tail rotor holder...

Page 23: ...oom brace damping plate 600 62 Tail linkage rod 550 64 TTS Servo mounting plate 600 59 TS Tail boom brace 600 65 TS Servo mount 600 60 Tail boom brace 550 69 TTS Landing skid rubber ring 600 68 TS Lan...

Page 24: ...ess wear and heat potentially melting or deforming the tail system 2 Tail Unit Assembly Avoid flying in tall grass or weeds lf grass or weed becomes lodged in the tail rotor unit it will interfere wit...

Page 25: ...istrict Shenzhen 518111 China www kdsmodel com I Length Height Main Rotor Diameter Motor Pinion Brushless Motor Main Drive Gear Autorotation Tail Drive Gear Drive Gear Ratio Weight w o Power Width Mai...
