Assembly instructions Everest
engine Base Camp 4140
7 Calibrate the Everest engine Base Camp 4140
7.3 Evaluate the calibration body
▶ Read the value for the "Active machine parameter" and note it on the form.
Example: 3487102.MPF
7.3.3 Record the current machine and cycle parameters Y
Record Y
▶ Switch to the "SETUP" menu
▶ Enter The password "IBHAJ", and confirm with "OK".
▶ Click the button "Machine settings" (F2).
▶ Click the button "Machine parameters" (F1).
▶ Click the button "MP tool" (F1).
A separate window appears.
▶ Now compare the open window on the top left with the "Active Machine Para‐
meters". These most correspond to the version that was previously noted.
See also: 7.3.2 Check the active machine parameters, Page 41
▶ If the versions are different, open the active version by clicking the button
"Open" (F3).
▶ In the list on the left, open the submenu "ReferencePointCycle" (click on the
"Plus" sign).
▶ Click "ReferencePositionDistance".
The following list of µm values is read out (example):