![Kärcher VC 5 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 7](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/karcher/vc-5/vc-5_operating-instructions-manual_4156108007.webp)
– 5
PlОasО rОaН tСОsО orТgТnal opОratТng Тn-
struМtТons anН tСО ОnМlosОН safОty Тn-
struМtТons prТor to tСО ТnТtТal usО of your НОvТМО. ProМООН
aММorНТngly. KООp botС booklОts for futurО rОfОrОnМО or
subsОquОnt oаnОrs.
TСТs unТvОrsal vaМuum МlОanОr Тs ТntОnНОН for tСО prТ-
vatО usО at СomО anН not for МommОrМТal purposОs.
TСО manufaМturОr Тs not lТablО for any НamagО tСat may
oММur on aММount of ТmpropОr usО or аrong opОratТon.
UsО tСО unТvОrsal vaМuum МlОanОr only аТtСұ
OrТgТnal fТltОrs
OrТgТnal sparО parts, aММОssorТОs anН spОМТal aМ-
TСО unТvОrsal vaМuum МlОanОr Тs
suТtablО forұ
VaМuumТng off Сuman bОТngs or anТmals.
VaМuumТng upұ
Small lТvТng МrОaturОs (О.g. flТОs, spТНОrs, ОtМ.).
SubstanМОs tСat arО Сarmful for СОaltС, СavО sСarp
ОНgОs, arО Сot or gloаТng.
MoТst or lТquТН substanМОs.
EasТly ТnflammablО or ОбplosТvО substanМОs anН
TСО paМkagТng matОrТal Мan bО rОМyМlОН. PlОasО
Нo not plaМО tСО paМkagТng Тnto tСО orНТnary rО-
fusО for НТsposal, but arrangО for tСО propОr rО-
OlН applТanМОs МontaТn valuablО matОrТals tСat
Мan bО rОМyМlОН. PlОasО arrangО for tСО propОr
rОМyМlТng of olН applТanМОs. PlОasО НТsposО your
olН applТanМОs usТng approprТatО МollОМtТon sys-
ElОМtrТМal anН ОlОМtronТМ НОvТМОs oftОn МontaТn Мompo-
nОnts аСТМС МoulН potОntТally posО a НangОr to Сuman
СОaltС anН tСО ОnvТronmОnt Тf СanНlОН or НТsposОН of Тn-
МorrОМtly. HoаОvОr, tСОsО МomponОnts arО nОМОssary
for tСО propОr opОratТon of tСО НОvТМО. өОvТМОs markОН
аТtС tСТs symbol must not bО НТsposОН of аТtС rОgular
СousОСolН rubbТsС.
TСО fТltОrs arО maНО from ОnvТronmОntally frТОnНly ma-
TСОy Мan tСОrОforО bО НТsposОН off tСrougС tСО normal
СousОСolН garbagО provТНОН you СavО not suМkОН Тn
substanМОs tСat arО not pОrmТttОН to bО tСroаn Тnto
СousОСolН garbagО.
Notes about the ingredients (REACH)
You аТll fТnН МurrОnt ТnformatТon about tСО ТngrОНТОnts
TСО аarranty tОrms publТsСОН by tСО rОlОvant salОs
Мompany arО applТМablО Тn ОaМС Мountry. АО аТll rОpaТr
potОntТal faТlurОs of your applТanМО аТtСТn tСО аarranty
pОrТoН frОО of МСargО, provТНОН tСat suМС faТlurО Тs
МausОН by faulty matОrТal or НОfОМts Тn manufaМturТng. In
tСО ОvОnt of a аarranty МlaТm plОasО МontaМt your НОalОr
or tСО nОarОst autСorТzОН ӨustomОr SОrvТМО МОntrО.
PlОasО submТt tСО proof of purМСasО.
Our KиRӨHER branМС аТll bО plОasОН to СОlp you fur-
tСОr Тn tСО МasО of quОstТons or faults. SОО aННrОss on
tСО rОvОrsО.
Only usО orТgТnal aММОssorТОs anН sparО parts, tСОy Оn-
surО tСО safО anН troublО-frОО opОratТon of tСО НОvТМО.
For ТnformatТon about aММОssorТОs anН sparО parts,
plОasО vТsТt ааа.kaОrМСОr.Мom.
Illustrations on Page 4
ӘНjustablО tОlОsМopТМ suМtТon pТpО
SuМtТon Мontrol
On/Off button
EбСaust fТltОr
EбСaust fТltОr МovОr
SСТft button
Floor nozzlО
ParkТng posТtТon
Қ0 UnloМkТng tСО floor nozzlО
ҚҚ ӨablО Сook
Ққ ӨablО МlТp
Қ3 PoаОr МorН аТtС plug
Қ4 TОlОsМopТМ suМtТon pТpО МlОanТng opОnТng
Қ5 MaТn fТltОr loМk
Қ6 FТltОr МartrТНgО
Қ7 Long lТfО fТltОr аТtС loМk
Қү UpСolstОry nozzlО
ҚҰ ӨrОvТМО nozzlО
қ0 FurnТturО brusС
BotС МablО Сooks Мan bО folНОН out.
TСО loаОr МablО Сook Мan bО rotatОН upаarНs to
ОnablО quТМk МablО rОmoval.
If tСО НОvТМО Тs parkОН Тn tСО parkТng posТtТon, fТrst
rОlОasО tСО parkТng posТtТon.
In orНОr to Нo tСТs, СolН tСО floor nozzlО stТll аТtС
your foot anН tТp tСО НОvТМО baМkаarНs slТgСtly.
HolН tСО button Нoаn anН aНjust tСО suМtТon pТpО to
tСО НОsТrОН lОngtС.
TСО НОsТrОН suМtТon poаОr Мan bО sОt ТnНТvТНually by
slТНТng tСО suМtТon Мontrol.
Level Қ and құ Low suction range
For vaМuumТng sОnsТtТvО matОrТals anН lТgСt Мom-
ponОnts, suМС as upСolstОrОН furnТturО, rugs, МusС-
Тons, МurtaТns, ОtМ.
Level 3ұ Medium suction range
For НaТly vaМuumТng of lТgСtly soТlОН surfaМОs anН
for МlОanТng loа-pТlО МarpОts.
General notes
Proper use
Environmental protection
Disposal of filters
Customer Service
Spare parts
Description of the Appliance
Start up
Cable hooks
Adjusting the telescopic suction pipe
Setting the vacuum cleaning performance
Summary of Contents for VC 5
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Page 30: ...5 REACH www kaercher com REACH K R HER ka r r om 4 3 4 On Off 5 6 7 0 3 4 5 6 7 0 30 EL...
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Page 37: ...7 0 40 V 50 60 0 II 3 V 5 5 V 5 Pr m um 0 0 6 6 35 666 0 3 0 500 3 0 0 L 77 37 RU...
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Page 57: ...7 0 40 V 50 60 Hz 0 3 V 5 5 V 5 Pr m um 0 0 6 6 35 666 0 3 0 k a 500 3 0 0 L 77 B 57 BG...
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