5.906-732.0 Rev. 00 (12/14)
ABRD Uninstall / install wheels
ABGE Uninstalling / installing cover
1 Turning handle
2 Screws
3 Control valve steam volume
4 Hose clip
5 Hose
Pull off the rotary handle.
Unscrew the screws.
Loosen the hose clamps.
Pull off the hose.
Remove the control valve steam volume.
Installation information
Check the O-ring.
Check for leaks.
ABRD Uninstall / install wheels
ABGE Uninstalling / installing cover
1 Turning handle
2 Valve
3 Hose clip
4 Screws
5 Hose
Pull off the rotary handle.
Unscrew the screws.
Loosen the hose clamps.
Pull off the hose.
Replace the valves
Installation information
Check the O-ring.
ABRD Uninstall / install wheels
ABGE Uninstalling / installing cover
1 Screw
2 Connector
3 Thermostat
4 Halting plate
Disconnect the connector.
Loosen the screw.
Remove the retaining plate.
Remove the thermostat.
ADRD Uninstalling / installing the control valve steam volume
ADRW Uninstalling / installing the control valve water volume
ADTH Uninstalling / installing thermostat