Keeper (see subchapter 11.10).
WebTuner (see subchapter 11.6).
Keeper and WebTuner cannot be started using WebTuner.
11.2. General concept of the
program performance
Features and the operation sequence of the program
WebTuner is developed to remotely administrate Kaspersky Anti-Virus for
xBSD Mail Server. You can call up this program via any web browser. The
browser communicates with WebTuner via the web server supplied with
the WebTuner distributive.
It is possible to use any conventional web server running on your
computer, but in this case you must predefine its settings as it is de-
scribed in subchapter 11.3.2.
A web server allows you to limit the group of users authorized to work with
WebTuner. This kind of limitation is implemented by creating a file with user
passwords. For details on creating the file containing user passwords for
WebTuner see step 7 in subchapter 11.3.2.
Before installing WebTuner you must install the web server on your com-
puter (if you are not already using a conventional one). The installation pro-
cedure for the web server and WebTuner, and also the details of the ap-
propriate settings for a conventional web server are described in subchap-
ter 11.3.2.
By default the web server is launched by the root user with almost unlim-
ited rights. For details of how to change the user refer to subchapter 11.3.3.