Nesis III User’s Manual
Figure 65:
Parameters related to the Nesis screens.
magnetic directions – all directions are related to magnetic North.
This option tells which value to shown on the top of each screen.
Track taken from the GPS receiver or
Heading take from the magnetic compass (Magu), when it is present
on the CAN bus. If Magu is not present, GPS track will be used
instead even if this option is selected.
Start screen
This option tells Nesis, which screen shall be active on the
instrument start.
Turn rate
defines visual aids for turn rate markers:
Off – turn rate markers are not shown.
Standard 3
/s – this is what most GA uses.
Double 6
/s – double turn speed is slightly more dynamic.
Glider option 12
/s – pretty fast rate.
Wind arrow threshold
defines the windspeed above which the wind direc-
tion arrow is shown on the screen.
magnetic compass must be
also present on the CAN bus.
Maps (charts) can be also a bit customized. Figure 66 shows the options.
Aircraft symbol
defines the aircraft symbol icon to be shown on the map.