Assembly, installation and operating instructions
6.5.7 Connection, on-site pipework
Fig. 25: Bottom view (basic unit with casing)
6.5.8 Condensation connection
Condensation drain with natural gradient
It is essential that a condensation drain is connected and appropriate fixed to a Venkon condensation drain connector (drain
size 15 mm/ 0.6 inch). Ensure that the gradient is at least 1 cm/m (0.1 inch/foot), without restrictions and without rising sec-
tions of pipe to ensure the drainage of condensation from the basic unit. Take into account all applicable regulations, such as
the use of a ball trap, when connecting the condensation line to the sewer system. Protect the trap from drying out. The suc-
tion effect of the fan on the condensation drain neck could otherwise produce troublesome odours. Consider using water va-
pour-impermeable insulation depending on the pipe material used for the condensation drain. You will need a condensation
pump (optional accessories) should a natural gradient be impossible on site. This is used to pump the condensation into
higher collection or drainage equipment.
Condensate drain connection
1cm/m // 0.1 inch/ foot
50 mm
2 inch
Fig. 26: Correct condensation drainage
Condensation drain via condensation pump (accessory)
The water is drawn off by the condensation pump and discharged along a hose (supplied loose) connected on the pressure
side. Depending on conditions on site, the water can be discharged into drainage lines, possibly with a trap connection.
In the event of a fault with the condensation drain, the water level will continue to rise until the float switch triggers an
alarm contact. The contact can be analysed by external signalling devices.