MFJ-1272B TNC/Microphone Switch
Thank you for purchasing the MFJ-1272B TNC/MIC Switch. This switch is
designed to allow simultaneous connection of both your microphone and your TNC
to the radio.
The MFJ-1272B microphone switches were designed to be used with any radio that
has a standard, round, 8-pin microphone connector. Because many TNCs have
different connectors, MFJ offers 5 models:
MFJ Model Number
TNC and Multimodes
All MFJ TNCs, TAPR TNC II clones, and PK-12/96/900
KAM® VHF port, KPC-2, KPC-3
KAM HF port
For circuit board revisions, refer to page 11.
Always check your radio's owner's manual to see if there is a voltage on one of the
pins of the microphone before hooking up the microphone switch. You could
damage your radio by connecting the PTT line to a voltage source. Do not connect
any pin labeled as a voltage source to PTT !
WARNING: MFJ Enterprises, Inc.
is not responsible
for damaged radios or
associated equipment. It is
your responsibility
to make sure your
connections will not damage the radio.
KAM is a registered trademark of Kantronics Company, Inc.