The lashing strip of the fuel tank is overly tightened!
The plastic tank can be damaged by excessive tightening of the lashing strips.
The fuel tank may burst and spill.
➤ Do not overtighten the lashing strips.
➤ Slightly hand-tighten the lashing strips.
Carrying out visual check
1. Check the lashing strips for tears and fraying in the fabric, and for damages to the ratchet.
Change any damaged lashing strip immediately.
2. Check whether the lashing strips are tight with the tank and that the ratchet is closed.
If the lashing strips sits loose, or the ratchet is not closed properly, tighten the fastening.
Tightening the fastening of the fuel tank
The lashing strips are tensioned via the integrated ratchet.
The lashing strips must fit closely around the fuel tank. The tensioning force of the strips must not
exceed 10 daN (approx. 25 lbf), slightly hand-tighten only.
➤ Hand-tighten the lashing strip with the integrated ratchet and push the ratchet to the strip.
10.4 Compressor Maintenance
➤ Perform maintenance tasks according to the schedule in chapter
10.4.1 Checking cooling oil level
The oil level is checked at the oil separator tank filling port. Oil should be visible in the port when
the filler plug is removed.
Material Wrench
Cleaning cloth
Precondition The machine is shut down.
The machine is standing level.
The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge reads 0 psig.
All compressed air consumers are disconnected and the air outlet valves are open.
10 Maintenance
10.4 Compressor Maintenance
No.: 9_9547 13 USE
Operator Manual Screw Compressor