10.9 Maintenance of rubber sealing strips
The rubber sealing strips between the body panels and the access doors serve both as a sound‐
proofing measure and to prevent ingress of rain water.
Care of the rubber sealing strips is especially necessary in winter to prevent the strips from sticking
and tearing when the access panels are opened.
Material Cleaning cloth
Silicone or Vaseline
Precondition The machine is shut down.
The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge reads 0 psig.
Machine is cooled down.
All compressed air consumers are disconnected and the air outlet valves are open.
1. Open all the doors.
2. Clean the rubber sealing strips with a lint-free cloth and check for cracks, holes and other dam‐
Have any damaged gasket replaced.
3. Properly grease the rubber strips.
4. Close the doors.
10.10 Chassis maintenance
➤ Perform maintenance tasks according to the schedule in chapter
10.10.1 Wheel checks
Check the wheels for tightness, visible damage and tire pressures:
■ after the first 30 miles
■ after every wheel change
■ at least every six months
Material Torque wrench
tire pressure gauge
Precondition Machine shut down and secured against restarting.
1. Check/adjust for wheel fixing torques.
2. Check the tires and wheels for any defect.
Replace any damaged or worn tires.
3. Check the tire treads for sufficient depth.
According to local road-worthy regulations, at least 63 mil in most countries.
Profile depth too low: change tires.
4. Check the tire pressures.
10 Maintenance
10.9 Maintenance of rubber sealing strips
No.: 9_9570 07 USE
Operator Manual Screw Compressor