10.5.2 Cooling oil filling and topping up
Material Cooling oil
Cleaning cloth
Precondition The machine is shut down.
The machine is standing level.
The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge reads 0 psig.
Machine is cooled down.
All compressed air consumers are disconnected and the air outlet valves are open.
The «battery isolating switch» is off.
Filling with cooling oil
A sticker on the oil separator tank specifies the type of oil used.
The machine could be damaged by unsuitable oil.
➤ Never mix different types of oil.
➤ Never top up with a different type of oil than that already used in the machine.
2. Open the left-hand door.
3. Slowly unscrew and withdraw the plug from the oil filler port.
4. Top up the cooling oil to the maximum level
with the help of a funnel.
5. Check the oil level.
6. Check the filler plug gasket for damage.
Change a damaged gasket.
7. Replace the plug in the filler port.
8. Switch the «battery isolating switch» on.
9. Close the access door.
Starting the machine and performing a test run:
1. Start the machine and run in IDLE until the operating temperature is reached.
2. Close the outlet valves.
3. Shut down the machine.
4. Wait until the machine has automatically vented.
Pressure gauge reads 0 psig!
5. Open the outlet valves.
6. Open the left-hand door.
7. Check the oil level after about 5 minutes.
Top up if necessary.
8. Visually inspect for leaks.
9. Close the access door.
10 Maintenance
10.5 Compressor Maintenance
Operator Manual Screw Compressor
No.: 9_9570 07 USE