Page 20
the blinking cursor with the LEFT and RIGHT
arrow key.
There are some menus which offer a larger
number of parameters which would not fit onto
the VF-display. In these cases the menu is
spread onto several subpages.
The menu points with a subpage are marked
with an arrow in the upper right corner of the
display, if there are more than one pages there
will be a double arrow shown.
To get to the next subpage the cursor can be
moved by the LEFT or RIGHT cursor key, which
then will be displayed.
Examples for the splitting of one menu point into
several subpages can be seen in points 10...13
of the main menu.
This general description of the operation is valid
for all menus.
The listing in the following chapters
contains all menu points of the O 500 C
software. The selected user security level
affects the relevant menus, which can be
displayed and modified (see system menu
chapter 3.3, step 3). These are marked with
an “X” in the following overwiews.