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3.1 Menu Structure and Concept
of Operation
The operation of the O 500 C digital controller is
based on a special menu structure, where the
individual menu steps have been concentrated
into three main menus:
- Main Menu (Chapter 3.2):
This menu
includes the most needed control functions
for the normal operation of the monitor, such
as the level setting for the input signals, setting
and recall of setups, adjustement of internal
delay and finally the choice of the desired
Loudspeaker parameter setups which are
stored in the Flash-ROM.
- System Menu (Chapter 3.3):
This menu
contains the basic settings of software and
hardware, which are used occasionally, such
as configuration of the MIDI channel,
passwords for the user levels etc.
- EQ Menu (Chapter 3.4):
This menu is
completely reserved for the setups and
adjustments of the integrated Room- and
parametric EQs, where changes in the overall
frequency response can be made, such as
the line-up procedure for adjustments in the
control room.
Recall and adjustments of the individual menus
will be made via the IR-remote control unit RC
55, see chapter 4.1.
- Menu selection keys:
Sys - Main - EQ for
selection of the menu
ARROW keys:
RIGHT for navigation through the individual
points within a menu
the two +/- increment keys located under the
L/R arrow keys will be used for adjusting the
parameters of the selected functions
in the centre of the arrow-
The other keys of the IR remote control will be
explained in chapter 4.1 .
When selecting any of the menu sections the
system will show the headline of the relevant
menu. When pressing the MAIN key for example
the „K + H O 500 C Main Menu“ headline will
appear in the VF-display of the O 500 C.
From this headline all visible ( activated for the
user ) menupoints can be recalled by pressing
the DOWN arrow-key. to get back to the
headline, simply press the UP arrow key.
When a menu point has been activated, the
name of the menu will appear in the left part of
Fig. 3.1/1:
Menu step 4 (Input Gain)
of the main menu
the upper line of the VF-display:
When pressing the +/- increment keys, the
parameters marked by the blinking cursor can
be modified. Here it is either possible to modify
the value of a numerical parameter, or to step
through a list of options. Illus. 3.1/1 shows the
position of the blinking cursor ready to modify
the „Input Gain“ which can be changed by
pressing the +/- incrementkeys.
In some menus the actual changes do not
become valid immediately. To avoid accidential
modifications the system will wait for an ENTER
command by pressing the ENTER key after that
modification. Now the setting is stored by the
system and becomes active.
An illuminated dot in the upper centre of the VF-
display is signalling the following conditions:
A flashing dot signalls waiting for confirming a
settng. When this is done by pressing the
ENTER key, the dot will be ON permanently.
After a parameter has been changed without
being confirmed by pressing ENTER the
changes will not become active and the original
setting will remain.
In some of the menus it is possible to modify
several parameters. In these cases all
parameters are shown on the VF-display next
to each other and can be selected by moving