CPU Configuration
Displays processor type, speed, system bus speed, and
other information
Memory Configuration
Displays memory information
Graphics Configuration
Configures graphics
USB Configuration
Provides USB support and lists devices in USB ports
Hardware Health Configuration
Displays system voltages and temperatures
Onboard Device Configuration
Enables/disables LAN and SATA ports
Advanced Power Management
Shows Watch Dog Timer status
Table B-3: BIOS Advanced Setup Menu
B�4 Boot Setup
Boot Configuration
Setup Prompt Timeout
Sets time window in which Setup key can be selected,
in seconds
Boot Numlock State
Sets keyboard Numlock status
Quiet Boot
When disabled, allows POST messages to be viewed,
with default Enabled
Fast Boot
Sets boot with initialization of minimal devices
required to launch active boot option
Boot Option Priorities
1st Boot
Selects primary boot source, with default SATA HDD
2nd Boot
Selects secondary boot source
Hard Drive BBS Priorities
Sets order of legacy devices in this group
Table B-4: BIOS Boot Setup Menu
B�5 Security Setup
The system can be configured to require all users to enter a password (either Administrator
or User) every time the system boots or when Setup is executed. Administrators and User
passwords activate different levels of security.
If passwords are used, the system prompts for a three- to twenty-character password.
Typed passwords are not displayed.