Appendix A Calibration
This chapter introduces the calibration process to minimize analog input measurement errors.
A�1 Calibration Constant
The PXIe-69852 is factory calibrated before shipment, with associated calibration constants written
to the onboard EEPROM. At system boot, the PXIe-69852 driver loads these calibration constants,
such that analog input path errors are minimized. JYTEK provides a software API for calibrating the
The onboard EEPROM provides two banks for calibration constant storage. Bank 0, the default bank,
records the factory calibrated constants, providing written protection preventing erroneous
auto-calibration. Bank 1 is user-defined space, provided for storage of self-calibration constants.
Upon execution of auto-calibration, the calibration constants are recorded to Bank 1.
When PXIe-69852 boots, the driver accesses the calibration constants and is automatically set to
hardware. In the absence of user assignment, the driver loads constants stored in bank 0. If con-
stants from Bank 1 are to be loaded, the preferred bank can be designated as boot bank by software.
Following re-assignment of the bank, the driver will load the desired constants on system re- boot.
This setting is recorded to EEPROM and is retained until re- configuration.
A�2 Auto-Calibration
Because errors in measurement and outputs will vary with time and temperature, re-calibration
is recommended when the module is installed. Auto-calibration can measure and minimize errors
without external signal connections, reference voltages, or measurement devices.
The PXIe-69852 has an on-board calibration reference to ensure the accuracy of auto-calibration.
The reference voltage is mea- sured on the production line and recorded in the on-board EEPROM.
Before initializing auto-calibration, it is recommended to warm up the PXIe-69852 for at least 20
minutes and remove connected cables.
It is not necessary to manually factor delay into applications, as the PXIe-69852 driver
automatically adds the compensation time.