CAUTION: Do not let fiber-optic cables hang free from the connector. Do not allow
fastened loops of cables to dangle, which stresses the cables at the fastening point.
Disconnect a Fiber-Optic Cable from an Optical Transceiver on an
MX10004 Router
Before you disconnect a fiber-optic cable from an optical transceiver installed in an MX10004 router,
ensure that you have taken the necessary precautions for safe handling of lasers (see
Safety Guidelines and Warnings" on page 253
Ensure that you have the following parts and tools available:
• Rubber safety cap to cover the transceiver
• Rubber safety cap to cover the fiber-optic cable connector
To disconnect a fiber-optic cable from an optical transceiver on an MX10004 router:
1. (Recommended) Disable the port in which the transceiver is installed by including the
statement at the
[edit interfaces]
hierarchy level for the specific interface.
LASER WARNING: Do not look directly into a fiber-optic transceiver or into the ends
of fiber-optic cables. Fiber-optic transceivers and fiber-optic cables connected to
transceivers emit laser light that can damage your eyes.
LASER WARNING: Do not stare into the laser beam or view it directly with optical
instruments even if the interface has been disabled.
2. Carefully unplug the fiber-optic cable connector from the transceiver.
3. Cover the transceiver with a rubber safety cap.
LASER WARNING: Do not leave a fiber-optic transceiver uncovered except when
inserting or removing a cable. The rubber safety cap keeps the port clean and prevents
accidental exposure to laser light.