Art. No. 5071 TSM
Art. No. 5072 TSM
Art. No. 5073 TSM
Art. No. 5074 TSM Status LED
The Standard push-button modules have one red status LED for each rocker switch. The
following functions are configurable for each status LED, irrespective of the set button or rocker
always OFF,
always ON,
Control via separate LED object,
Button-press display.
Status LED function "always OFF" or "always ON"
With this parameterisation, a status LED remains permanently switched on or off.
Function of the status LED "Button-press display"
A status LED used as button-press display is switched on by the sensor each time the
corresponding rocker or button is pressed. The parameter "ON time of status LEDs as actuation
indicators" on the parameter page "General" specifies for how long the LED is switched on in
common for all status LEDs. The status LED lights up when the rocker or button is pressed
even if the telegram is transmitted by the sensor only when the button or rocker is released.
Function of the status LED "Control via separate LED object"
Each status LED can indicate the status of a separate LED communication object independently
of the rocker or pushbutton configuration. Here the LED can be switched on or off statically via
the 1-bit object value received, or also activated as flashing. It is possible to indicate or evaluate
the inverted object value.
After a reset or after ETS programming, the value of the LED object is always "0".
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Software "Standard TSM 110x11"
Functional description