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Selection of the soft-start function (Function setting No. 1)
The needle thread may fal to nterlace wth the bobbn thread at the start of sewng when the sttchng ptch
(stitch length) is small or a thick needle is used. To solve such problem, this function (called “soft-start”) is
used to lmt the sewng speed, thereby assurng successful formaton of the startng sttches.
0 :
The functon s not selected.
to 9 : The number of sttches to be sewn under the soft-start mode.
The sewng speed lmted by the soft-start functon can be changed.
(Function setting No. 37)
Data settng range
00 to MAX st/mn <0 st/mn> (The MAX value dffers by machne head.)
Material end sensor function (Function setting No. 2 to 4, 76)
Ths functon s possble when the materal end sensor s attached.
For detals, refer to
-16. connection of the material and sensor" p. 49
the materal end sensor.
Flicker reducing function (Function setting No. 5)
The function reduces flickering of the hand lamp at the start of sewing.
0 : Flcker reducng functon s neffectve
: Flcker reducng functon s effectve
(Caution) When the flicker reducing function is set at the "Flicker reducing function is effective," the
startup speed of the sewing machine decreases.
Bobbin thread counting function (Function setting No. 6)
When the control panel s used, the functon subtracts from the predetermned value and ndcates the used
amount of bobbn thread.
For the detals, refer to the nstructon manual for the control panel.
0 : Bobbn thread countng functon s not operatve.
: Bobbn thread countng functon s operatve.
(Caution) If “0” is set, the LCD indication on the control panel will go out and the bobbin thread count
ing function will be invalid.
thread trimming prohibiting function (Function setting No. 9)
Ths functon turns OFF thread trmmng solenod output and wper solenod output when thread trmmng s
By ths functon, separate sewng materal can be splced and sewn wthout trmmng thread.
0 : off Thread trmmng s operatve. (thread can be trmmed).
: on Thread trmmng s noperatve. (thread can not be trmmed).
Setting of the needle bar stop position when the sewing machine stops (Function setting No. 10)
The position of the needle bar when the pedal is in its neutral position is specified.
0 : Down
The needle bar stops n the lowest poston of ts stroke.
: Up
The needle bar stops n the hghest poston of ts stroke.
(caution) If the stop position of the needle bar is set to the highest position, the thread trimming action
will be taken after the needle bar comes down once to the lowest position.
Panel operating sound (Function setting No. 11)
Whether the panel operaton generates sound or not can be selected.
0 : off Operation confirmation sound is not generated
1 : on Operation confirmation sound is generated.
3 7
1 0
1 1
8. Detailed explanation of selection of functions