) Sewng area
: X (lateral) drecton 250 mm, Y (longtudnal) drecton 250 mm
2) Max. sewing speed
: 4,000 sti/min (according to sewing specifications)
3) Sttch length
: 0. to 6.0 mm (Mnmum resoluton: 0.05 mm)
4) Man shaft of machne head drve unt : AC servo motor
5) Presser plate travel
: Contnuous feed (Steppng motor wth an encoder)
6) Needle bar stroke
: 35 mm
7) Needle
: SCHMETZ 34 SERV 7 Nm : 30
8) Hook
: Full-rotary exclusve hook (forced lubrcaton)
9) Bobbn case
: Bobbn case exclusvely desgned for a full-rotary .7-fold hook
(provded wth an dlng preventon sprng)
0) Lubrcaton ol
: Machne head : New Defrx Ol No.
) Thread trmmng mechansm
: Scssors cuttng mechansm usng a counter knfe and a movng knfe
(Drven by grooved cam motor)
2) Pattern data stored n memory : Man body and a medum
Man body: Max. 999 patterns
Medum: Max. 999 patterns
3) Dmensons
: ,890 mm (W) x ,50 mm (L) x ,55 mm (H)
(excludng the thread stand)
4) Temporary stop functon
: It s possble to stop the sewng machne durng sewng.
5) Bobbn counter
: Up/down method (0 to 9999)
6) Sewng counter
: Up/down method (0 to 9999)
7) Sttch number counter
: Up/down method (0 to 9999)
8) Memory backup amount
: Patterns are automatcally stored n memory at the tme of power
9) Mass (Total weght)
: 558 kg
20) Power consumpton
: 650 VA
2) Workng temperature range
: 5°C to 35°C
22) Workng humdy range
: 35% to 85% (wth no dew condensaton)
23) Supply voltage
: Ratng ±0% 50 / 60 HZ
24) Compressed ar
: 0.5 MPa
25) Ar consumpton
: 220 dm 3/mn (ANR)
26) Nose
: - Equvalent contnuous emsson sound pressure level (L
) at the
workstaton :
A-weghted value of 83.0 dB; (Includes K
= 2.5 dB); accordng to
ISO 082- C.6.3 -ISO 204 GR2 at 4,000 st/mn.
- Sound power level (L
) ;
A-weghted value of 90.5 dB; (Includes K
= 2.5 dB); accordng to
ISO 082- C.6.3 -ISO 204 GR2 at 4,000 st/mn.