Installation and operating instructions: JUDO JRSF automatic backwashing protection filter JRSF-ATP DN 125 - 200 (time and differential pressure controlled)
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JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
© JUDO Wasseraufbereitung GmbH
Postfach 380
D-71351 Winnenden
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Revision level: 24.05.2017
E-mail: [email protected]
Severe clogging of the
permanent filter inserts
Short-term heavy
contamination in raw water
If necessary, perform multiple manual
backwashes, check the setting of the
differential pressure gauge
No sufficient backwashing
Insufficient flow pressure or
open outlet
Ensure min. required flow pressure
(E.g. throttle filter outlet)
Shut-off valve does not
open or does not fully
Foreign body in the shut-off
Remove and clean the shut-off valve
Operating pressure too high
Check and regulate the operating pressure
Drive design not suitable for
the operating conditions
Use drive that is designed for the operating
Internal diameter of the pipe
too small for nominal diameter
of the shut-off valve
Fit shut-off valve with suitable nominal
Solenoid valve defective
Check solenoid valve, replace if necessary
Lack of control medium
Check control medium and connect
Control medium incorrectly
Check connections, correct as necessary
Control pressure too low
Observe Chap. 3.5
Shut-off valve does not
close or does not close
Operating pressure too high
Check and regulate the operating pressure
Drive design not suitable for
the operating conditions
Use drive that is designed for the operating
Foreign body in the shut-off
Remove and clean the shut-off valve
Solenoid valve defective
Check solenoid valve, replace if necessary
Butterfly valve body - pipe
connection not tight
Incorrect installation
Check the butterfly valve body installation in
the pipe
Flanged fitting loose
Tighten up flange bolts
Butterfly valve body leaky
Incorrect installation
Check the butterfly valve body installation in
the pipe
Butterfly valve body defective
Check butterfly valve body for damage, if
necessary replace shut-off valve
Connection between valve
body and pipe leaks
Incorrect installation
Check installation
Connection loose
Make connection correctly
Sealant defective
Replace sealant
Tab. 11: Mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic faults