Malahit Dsp radio
Registered version, based on version v1.0c
Image 01
1.Stdby: Short press to turn on or off the screen, long press to enter sleep mode.
2. Usb: Type-c usb interface, charging port.
3.Audio: headphone jack
4.Frequency: Frequency encoder, scroll up and down to adjust the frequency size, short press to
enter the step value edit page. Short press to launch each menu editing page.
5.Volume: Volume encoder, scroll up and down to adjust the volume value, short press to edit
other parameters. Short press to launch each menu editing page.
6.Ant: Antenna interface
7. Menu lists: The menu items are HARD, AUDIO, VISUAL, NR, MODE, BAND. See below for
detailed description.
8.Vol: Volume value, range 0~100. It is recommended to set above 50.
9.Frequency value: Frequency value, range 50KHz~250MHz,
10.Step value: Frequency step value, the range is 1KHz~1MHz.
11.Audio indicator: Audio indicator, one to indicate earphones and one to indicate back speakers.
Green means active, gray means inactive.
12.Battery indicator: battery indicator, green represents sufficient power. Red means low battery.
When the battery is low, please charge it in time.
13.Time: Time, long press the HARD menu for 3 seconds, release it after hearing the beep, and
enter the time editing page. Use the volume encoder to adjust the time, and finally press and
hold the volume editor to confirm the modification.