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Summary of Contents for PRUSA RESEARCH MINI


Page 2: ...rivers German www prusa3d de treiber Polish prusa3d pl sterowniki Italian www prusa3d it driver Spanish www prusa3d es drivers y manuales QUICK GUIDE TO THE FIRST PRINT 1 Read chapter 6 Your First Print carefully 2 Place the assembled printer on a Sat and stable surface 3 tart the printerU insert the enclosed B 4 drive and update the Frmware 5 jollow the on screen instructions to calibrate the pri...

Page 3: ...nter to produce parts for buildin another 39 printer ghe lineup of Mri inal Prusa devices is constantly eqpanded with new machines and up rades ghe main oal is to make technolo y more accessible and understandable to all users Oosef Prusa also or anizes workshops for the publicU participates in professional conferences dedicated to the popularization of 39 printin jor eqampleU he lectured at the g...

Page 4: ...tions 1 9 Advanced features 1 Cenu structure 1 2 Cesh 4ed 0evelin eqplained 28 3 jactory reset 28 5 etwork connections 28 2 Printing your own models q 1 Mbtainin a printable model 21 2 reatin your own models 21 3 Yhat is a code Fle 22 5 Prusa licer 22 I Tmportin ob ects into Prusa licer 23 X Bsin supports 25 Print speed vs Print Luality 2I TnFll 2X 4rim 2X 18 0ar e ob ect printin 2X 11 Print multi...

Page 5: ...18 12 jlashin unsi ned Frmware 51 FA K common issues and how to solve them 8 11 1 kewed aqis 52 11 2 Printer canJt read the B 4 drive 53 11 3 0oose and or aqis belts 53 11 5 jilament stuck in the PgjA tube 53 11 I Vqis homin fails 53 11 X Deatin errors 53 11 jan errors 53 11 9own radin the Frmware 55 Advanced hardware troubleshooting 88 3 Print 4uality troubleshooting 88 ...

Page 6: ...sses and non AB customers Year and tear cate ory components and consumables are eqcluded from this warranty ghe warranty period be ins with the day when the customer receives the oods either the eller7s liability for defective products nor the Luality warranty applies to printers or parts dama ed by handlin U which is in conSict with the instructions and recommendations in the oWicial manuals and ...

Page 7: ...tial dama e VlsoU make sure that the power cord is not mechanically or otherwise dama ed Tf soU stop usin the dama ed power cord immediately and replace it I Yhen you disconnect the power cord from the socketU pull the plu rather than the cord to reduce the risk of dama e to the plu or to the V outlet ghe plu that oes into the printer has a safety lockin mechanism Frst pull the cover of the plu to...

Page 8: ...PleaseU read the handbook carefully since all chapters contain valuable info re ardin the operation of the eLuipmentU ettin started instructionsU 39 printin tips and everythin about re ular maintenance Please check the prusa3d com drivers page for the updated version of this 3D printing handbook PDF download Tn case of any printer related problemU do not hesitate to contact us at infoHprusa3d com ...

Page 9: ... the display is used for the conF uration of the 39 printer Bse the knob to scroll throu h the menus and conFrm your selection with the press of the knob X Power switch when the printer is not in useU turn it oW usin the power switch ZSX port compatible with B 4 2 8 3 8 Sash drives jVg32 FlesystemE Bsed for readin print Fles odesE from the inserted drive and Sashin the Frmware Main PTFE tube leads...

Page 10: ...terU so the Flament strand can enter the PgjA tube from below jilament must not bend at an acute an le 3 Package contents Accessories bundled optional our Mri inal Prusa CT T comes bundled with ZSX drive with Lrmware Lles Vllen key panner urface cleanin wipes infused with isopropyl alcoholE Vcupuncture needle ghese are the basic tools reLuired for correct assembly and basic maintenance DoweverU we...

Page 11: ...tured steel sheets Read maintenance instructions in chapter 18 Re ular maintenance Bse isopropyl alcohol to clean de reaseE the sheet alibrate 0ive Q when you switch sheets Yipe the sheet with TPV infused towel before the Frst print 9o not wash with runnin water 9o not peel oW the PAT sticker 9o not use acetone to clean the teqtured sheetx Spool holder and 5lament spools Place in a location where ...

Page 12: ... please contact our tech support via e mail at supportHprusa3d com or via the 0ive chat at shop prusa3d com the chat is in the lower ri ht corner 13 Unpac ingb assem6l2 and 5rst start ghe Mri inal Prusa CT T 39 printer comes separated into three parts Please 7ip this handbook to get to the Assembly instructions and preK7ight check ghen return here to continue with the setup process Tf youJre viewi...

Page 13: ...or the Frst print 5 Perform the initial calibration I 0oad Flament X tart the Frst print B1w 4asic controls ou can conF ure and control the entire device with a sin le control element a rotational knobU which can be pressed to conFrm the selection ghe reset button is placed to the left from the control knob Pressin the reset button eLuates to Luickly to lin the power switch Tt is useful when the p...

Page 14: ...s B 4 port 5 Restart the device usin the restart button neqt to the nob I ghe update process should start automatically X Yait until the process is complete B13 Preparing Wexi6le steel sheets Please follow the instructions for the sheet of your choice see belowE and prepare it for the Frst print ghe heatbed has embedded hi h curie temperature ma nets insideU which hold removable sprin steel sheets...

Page 15: ...stic tool and consists of a series of tests ghey are desi ned to reveal the most common issues such as incorrect wirin ghe pro ress and results of each step are displayed on the 0 9 Tn case any issues are foundU the selftest is interrupted and the cause of the error is shown to uide users in troubleshootin The selftest consists of Extruder and print fan test Bsin the RPC monitorin 1 Y and Kaxis te...

Page 16: ...uder ears automatically ghe printer will ask you whether some plastic has been eqtruded from the nozzle Tn case it wasnJtU choose o and the printer will attempt to eqtrude more plastic ghe printer keeps track of the currently loaded FlamentU even when powered oW ou can check the type of the currently loaded Flament in the bottom ri ht corner of the 0 9 Cenu iconmonstr info v1 pn jor the neqt stepU...

Page 17: ... for more informationE and start printing a zigKzag pattern on the print surface ghe nozzle will be at the hei ht deFned by the C T 9 V probe settin It must not by any means touch the printing surface How to tune the nozzle heivht liTe durinv the test print Mbserve the line which is bein eqtruded on the print surface V new menu will automatically show up use it to tune the nozzle height in real ti...

Page 18: ...dy to start your Frst print 4efore you startU letJs o throu h the Fnal checklist 1 MINI is fully assembled and placed in a suitable location 2 The Lrmware is updated to the latest version 3 All of the calibration procedures were successful 5 A clean print sheet cleaned with IPAKinfused cleaning wipe is on the heatbed I jilament is loaded B1v Starting the 5rst print Mnce everythin is readyU you can...

Page 19: ...ools down Tf thatJs not the caseU lift the steel sheet and bend it both inwards and outwards rotate it q degrees and repeat the bending 9onJt for et to remove all leftover pieces of FlamentU such as the intro pur e lineU the skirt and the support base Try to avoid touching the steel sheet surface with your Lngers Fn erprints can decrease the adhesion of the neqt print B1ww 7terjprint chec s and ac...

Page 20: ...lament P0V PAg V V j0A Bnload Flament Pur e Flament alibration Yizard Q MWset Vuto home Cesh bed levelin elftest jirst layer calibration ettin s gemperature ozzle Deatbed Print fan ooldown Cove Vqis Cove Cove Cove Q Aqtruder 9isable teppers jactory Reset gimeout Tnfo ystem info Nersion info 1 ...

Page 21: ...2 reset V factory reset can be performed throu h LCD Menu Rettinvs Factorg eset ghis will reset all data to default values 91z Netyor connections Mri inal Prusa CT T has an ethernet RO5IE port onboard ou can use this port to connect your printer to your network Please note that network features may not be fully available in the default Frmware eep checkin our web www prusa3d com or social media pr...

Page 22: iverse com www myminifactory com www pinshape com www youma ine com www shapeways com www ambody com DoweverU models in stlU ob or similar formats cannot be 3D printed directly jirstU they need to be sliced5 converted into a GKcode Lle which is then placed onto a B 4 drive onnect the B 4 drive with a sliced pro ect into the printer and select the model to print from the Print menu Please see th...

Page 23: eqtrudeU temperature settin s or fan speeds ghere are dozens of slicers availableU each with their own advanta es and disadvanta es ghe three most commonly used slicers amon the Prusa printer owners are Prusa licer ura implify39 01z PrusaSlicer Vs the name su estsU Prusa licer is our own in house developed slicer based on the open source pro ect lic3r Tt has many useful features such as Ready t...

Page 24: ... side of the window Tf itJs not listedU you can add it either by selectin Add a new printer option in the same menu or by oin to ConUvuration A ConUvuration Wizard ghenU select the layer hei htU inFll and the material you want to use Please note that built in Flament proFles have pre deFned and tested settin s Tf you select a wron proFleU it may aWect your print due to incompatible settin s Prusa ...

Page 25: ...hat would reLuire the printer to start printin mid air which is impossible ghis is where supports need to be used Prusa licer has this function built in utomaticallg venerated supports in PrusaRlicer You can select from three options Support on build plate only enerate supports only around the ob ect For support enforcers only enerate supports only where enforcers are placed Everywhere enerate sup...

Page 26: ...a licer the upper ri ht window shows the Print settin s option ghe default settin is q V mm ZA ITY but you can speed up the printer by choosing the q q mm SPEED option or even 8 2I mm 9RVjg Luality Raisin the layer hei ht will result in less detailed models with more prominent layers Tf you prefer Luality over speedU choose a 8 18 mm 9AgVT0E option Printin time will increase noticeablyU howeverU t...

Page 27: ... compleq shapes ghe purpose of the inFll remains the same give the object a certain level of structural strength Cany models can be printed with 18 1IK inFllU but if you reLuire the model to be stron er e a structural partEU select a denser inFll 01v 4rim V brim is used to increase adhesion to the print bed and decrease the possibility of warping ghis is done by printin eqtra outlines of the Frst ...

Page 28: ...dra in the correspondin izmo handles VlternativelyU you can use the ob ect manipulation window in the bottom ri ht corner to type in an eqact scale value Chanvinv the scale of a printed obIect Tf you need to print an ob ect that does not Ft the printer at its ori inal scaleU you have to cut the ob ect into smaller pieces elect the Cut tool from the left menu or press the keyE Position the cut plan...

Page 29: ...r Color change in PrusaSlicer 1 witch to the layer preview usin the button in the lower left corner 2 Bsin the slider on the ri ht sideU select a layer where the color chan e should occur 3 lick on the orange plus icon 5 V preview is instantly displayed ou can remove the color chan e by clickin on the rey cross button that is now displayed instead of the oran e plus button I Aqport the code and yo...

Page 30: ...xnspectinv an obIect before eZport 9 Material guide ghe Mri inal Prusa CT T can print with many popular materials Caterials vary in both mechanical and optical properties as well as in the ease of use Tf youJre new to 39 printin U your Frst Flament should deFnitely be P0V Mnly when you are limited by some of P0VJs disadvanta esU itJs time to try other Flaments like PAg or V V v1w P8 P0V is the mos...

Page 31: ...atbed Cake sure the surface is cleanU as described in 18 1 jleqible steel sheet surface preparation chapter v1k PET PETG PAg is another commonly used material for 39 printin Tt is a great choice for printing mechanical components ompared to P0VU it has higher temperature resistance is more ductile and therefore less brittle 9ue to its low thermal eqpansion it holds well on the heatbed and does not...

Page 32: ...4 is the easier surface treatment with acetone oin forwardU we will only talk about V VU but the same oes for V4 V V is a stron and versatile material V hi her meltin point than P0V ives V V eqcellent heat resistanceU your prints will not show si ns of deformation up to around 188 Z BnfortunatelyU V V has a very hi h thermal eqpansion compared to P0VU which complicates printin U especially for lar...

Page 33: ...atureE Heatbed Cake sure the surface is cleanU as described in 18 1 jleqible steel sheet surface preparation chapter YVR T ome very soft materials can adhere very stron ly to the smooth PAT sheet and reLuire the use of a lue stick as a separator to avoid dama in the PAT surface ghis is not necessary with the teqtured powder coated PAT 10 Regular Maintenance Ye have desi ned the CT T as a reliable ...

Page 34: ...ched the steel sheetsU visually inspect the 4uality of the Lrst layer and adjust the nozzle height accordin ly with 0ive Vd ust Q when switching between diUerent types of steel sheets Consumable parts such as PAT sheets smoothU teqturedU etc E are not covered by our warranty because the coatin s are desi ned to diminish over time unless failure has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmans...

Page 35: ... bumps can be scratchedU howeverU these scratches will not aWect the bottom of the model Never clean the textured powderKcoated sheet with acetone0 9oin so will create microfractures in the PAT teqtureU which will cause the surface to deteriorate over time ghis surface is used on our print farmU look at the printed parts you have on your printer for reference wA13 Spring steel sheet yith SMOOTH do...

Page 36: ...ease head to manual prusa3d com Tf you feel that one of the aqes doesnJt move smoothly anymoreU the bearings can be taken out and greased on the inside they need to be removed from aqis because the plastic lip will prevent most of the rease from ettin insideE wA1B Fans Xoth fans measure current RPM Revolutions Per CinuteEU meanin they can detect when the fan suddenly slows downU e due to a piece o...

Page 37: ... hand 2 ghe second tube leads from the eqtruder to the print head Bse a spanner size 18E to loosen the nuts this is also useful if the Flament failed to load unload and ot stuck in this tube 3 Remove the main PgjA tube as described in tep 2E and also undo the Fttin s in the eqtruder or in the print head to access PTFE tube three and four ghese only need to be inspected if the Flament fails to pass...

Page 38: ...U the remainin strand will be left in the main PgjA tube and the eqtruder wonJt be able to pull it out Zse a spanner to unscrew the nut on the main PTFE tube and disconnect it from the eqtruder ghenU manuallyU pull the Llament strand out donJt for et to preheat the nozzlex ee chapter PgjA tubes for eqact instructions on how to remove the PgjA tube wA1v1k False sensor readings and de6ugging ou can ...

Page 39: ...t everythin is assembled properly e Flament sensor levelU steel ballU PgjA tubes etc E IR sensor is defective Tf you have tried all mentioned solutions without successU there is a possibility that the TR sensor is defective Tn this caseU please contact our support Clogged jammed extruder Caterial clo ed in the eqtruder can cause problems with the printin or with the loadin of a new Flament Mn the ...

Page 40: ...e instructions below 1 Deat the nozzle accordin to the Flament you want to print from 0oad the Flament and push an acupuncture needle bundled with the printerE or a thin wire 8 3 8 3I mmE into the nozzle from below between 1 and 2 cm deep Yearin loves is recommended melted material may pour out uneqpectedly 2 hoose Load Ulament option from the LCD menu and check if the Flament is eqtruded properly...

Page 41: ... se article 66KtheKolssonKrubyKinstructionsKforKuse CAZTION Heated parts can cause severe burns0 4e eqtra careful around the hotend thermistor leads ou can break them oW easily 1 Preheat the nozzle to 2 8 Z 0 9 Cenu ettin s gemperature ozzleE Heating the nozzle is essential for this process0 2 Bnload any loaded Flament 3 ain better access to the nozzle by movin the eqtruder aqis as hi h as possibl...

Page 42: ...not verify that these safety features are present in the community made Frmware MWicial Frmware is signed with a private key and the printer veriFes this si nature before an update To 7ash your own or a communityKmade unsigned Lrmware youJll have to break the appendix on the Xuddy board and move the jumper into the correct position This also voids your warranty on electronics jirstU pull out the p...

Page 43: ...ment of both parts Mnce the 39 printer is reassembledU move the Q aqis nozzleE close to the steel sheet without touchin it ghenU carefully move the print head from left to right by hand and observeU whether the nozzle keeps the same distance from the sheet all the time li ht deviations are allowedU since the printer can compensate for them thanks to the Cesh 4ed 0evelin routine A faulty M I N D A ...

Page 44: ... printer malfunction and prevent proper printin ghe easiest way to check is printin a round ob ect if any of the belts are not ti htened properly the result is an irre ular shape instead of a perfect circle aqis belt is located under the heatbedU aqis belt moves the print head ww1z Filament stuc in the PTFE tu6e Tf a Flament strand ets stuck anywhere in the printerU itJs enerally very easy to remo...

Page 45: ...rrent Frmware with the one placed on the B 4 drive 12 Advanced hardware troubleshooting Vdvanced hardware troubleshootin and part replacement uides are available online throu h manual prusa3d com 13 Print quality troubleshooting Tf you feel your prints are not fully up to specsU or they display some serious Luality issues shifted layersU hostin U under eqtruded partsEU you may need to run some tro...

Page 46: ...Print and share Do not 7orget to tag 2our prints yith prusamini yhile sharing so ye can 5ndb pin and shoycase them yith our http yyy1prusa3d1com originaljprusaj3djprints Happy Printing ...
