Series RFII-MRI — 5.6 K-factor
Non-Magnetic Concealed Pendent Sprinklers
Quick & Standard Response, Standard Coverage
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JULY 2020
Refer to Technical Data Sheet
TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to
regulatory and health information.
Always refer to Technical Data
Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER
WARNING” that provides cautions
with respect to handling and instal-
lation of sprinkler systems and com-
ponents. Improper handling and
installation can permanently damage
a sprinkler system or its compo-
nents and cause the sprinkler to fail
to operate in a fire situation or cause
it to operate prematurely.
The TYCO Series RFII-MRI 5.6 K-fac-
tor, Non-Magnetic Concealed Pendent
Sprinklers Quick Response (3 mm bulb)
and Standard Response (5 mm bulb),
are decorative sprinklers featuring a
flat cover plate designed to conceal
the sprinkler.
The RFII-MRI Sprinkler is intended for
use inside of the MRI environment, that
is, in the MR system room and close to
the scanner unit. However, this sprin-
kler is not intended for use directly
inside of the MR system, such as within
the bore of the scanner unit. During
the intended use, the RFII-MRI Sprin-
kler must be mounted at the ceiling to
the fixed fire protection piping system
of the MR system room. Under these
conditions, per non-clinical testing to
ASTM F2052-15, the RFII-MRI Sprin-
kler was found to be acceptable for use
under a static magnetic field of 7-Tesla
or less. Standard MRI apparatus are
typically in the 3 Tesla range.
Each sprinkler is comprised of sepa-
rately ordered components: a
Plate/Retainer Assembly and a Sprin-
kler/Support Cup Assembly.
The sep-
arable, two-piece assembly design
provides the following benefits:
• Allows installation of the sprinklers
and pressure testing of the fire pro-
tection system prior to installation of
a suspended ceiling or application of
the finish coating to a fixed ceiling.
• Permits the removal of suspended
ceiling panels for access to building
service equipment without having
to first shut down the fire protection
system and remove sprinklers.
• Provides for 1/2 in. (12,7 mm) of ver-
tical adjustment to allow a measure
of flexibility in determining the length
of fixed piping to cut for the sprinkler
The RFII-MRI Sprinklers are shipped
with a Disposable Protective Cap. The
Protective Cap is temporarily removed
during installation and replaced to help
protect the sprinkler during ceiling
installation or finish. The tip of the Pro-
tective Cap can be used to mark the
center of the ceiling hole into plaster
board or ceiling tiles by gently pushing
the ceiling product against the Pro-
tective Cap. When ceiling installa-
tion is complete, the Protective Cap is
removed and the Cover Plate/Retainer
Assembly is installed.
As an option, the RFII-MRI Standard
Response (5 mm bulb) Sprinkler can
be fitted with a silicone Air and Dust
Seal, see Figure 5. The Air and Dust
Seal is intended for sensitive areas
where it is desirable to prevent air and
dust from the area above the ceiling to
pass through the cover plate.
The RFII-MRI Sprinklers described
herein must be installed and main-
tained in compliance with this docu-
ment and with the applicable standards
ASSOCIATION (NFPA), in addition to
the standards of any authorities having
jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair
the performance of these devices.
The owner is responsible for maintain-
ing their fire protection system and
devices in proper operating condition.
The installing contractor or sprinkler
manufacturer should be contacted with
any questions.
Number (SIN)
TY3530 — 3 mm bulb
TY3550 — 5 mm bulb