Section 6: Programming
[006] – Partition No Activity Arming Timer
Use this section to program the duration of the No Activity timer. If this timer expires and no zones have been activated, the partition
arms in Away mode (exit delay will not sound). When the timer expires, keypad buzzers activate for the time programmed in No
Activity Arming Pre-Alert (see below).
The timer restarts when a delay type zone is restored. The timer does not restart when the system is disarmed. The timer stops if an
un-bypassed zone is tripped, tampered or restored or with any keypad activity.
Separate No Activity Arming timers are provided for each partition.
Valid entries are from 000 – 255 minutes. 000 disables this feature.
[007] – Partition No Activity Arming Pre-Alert Timer
Use this section to program the duration of the No Activity Arming pre-alert that sounds when the No-Activity timer for the partition
expires. If any key is pressed or zone is activated or restored, the No Activity Arming pre-alert is aborted.
Valid entries are 000 - 255 minutes. 000 disables this feature.
Wireless key arm keys cannot be used to cancel no activity pre-alert.
[200] Partition Mask
A partition is a limited area of the premises which operates independently from the other areas. Partitions are added or removed from
the system by applying or removing a partition mask.
[001] – Partition 1 to 32 Enable Mask
Select options 01-08 to enable or disable partitions.
Partition 1 is always enabled. Partitions 2 to 32 are selectable.
The number of available partitions depends on the model, as shown below:
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