Status LEDs
There is one multicolored LED on the module. The following table describes the status of the
module based on the color of the LED.
Table 12: Status LEDs
Turn on
The red LED is on while the module turns on.
Placement test
The color of the LED shows the signal strength of the enrolled device.
For more information, see Table .
Firmware upgrade in
The red LED flashes every 800 ms while the system firmware updates.
Firmware upgrade failed The red LED flashes every 120 ms if the firmware update fails.
The orange LED flashes twice every 10 seconds if any troubles are
detected, excluding a tamper trouble.
For detailed information on device troubles, see the control panel.
Device enrollment
The orange LED turns on when the enrollment button is pressed.
Device defaulting
The red LED turns on if the enrollment button is pressed and held for
10 seconds.
This defaults all module programming to factory settings.
Normal operation
The green LED flashes once every 10 seconds. The module is operating
normally, with no troubles detected.
PG8HRDW8 and PG9HRDW8 IQ Hardwire PowerG Wired to Wireless Converter Installation Manual