4 - Periodic Test Transmission with Trouble
Sent when any of the following trouble conditions are present during a periodic test transmission:
• Fire Zone Trouble
• Battery Trouble
• Fire Zone Alarm (2-Wire Smoke)
• Aux Trouble
• Fire Trouble
• Bell Trouble
• Fire Tamper/Low Sensitivity (WLS)
• Module Supervisory
• Fire Zones Bypassed
• Ground Fault
• Fire Supervisory (Wireless)
• TLM Trouble
• AC Trouble
• FTC Trouble
This reporting code is sent in place of the standard Periodic Test Transmission code.
5 - System Test
Sent when a manual system test is performed ([*][6][Master Code][04]).
System Communications
The programming options in this section are used to configure communications between the alarm
system and the central station.
[309] System Call Direction
Use this programming option to select the central station receivers that system events are
communicated to. A system event can be sent to multiple receivers.
[001] Maintenance Events/Restores (all troubles except tampers)
These options control which receiver paths are enabled for maintenance events. To assign a
maintenance event to a receiver, select from the following list:
[01] Receiver 1
[02] Receiver 2
[03] Receiver 3
[04] Receiver 4
[002] Test Transmissions
These options control which receiver paths are enabled for test transmission events. To assign a
test transmission event to a receiver, select from the following list:
[01] Receiver 1
[02] Receiver 2
[03] Receiver 3
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference