Network Room Module Technical Bulletin
The NRM (Figure 2) is styled to blend with the decor of today’s
commercial and public buildings. Terminals are located in the mounting
base for ease of wiring. The module also has a built-in temperature sensor
used to measure space temperature for display and transmission to the
connected controller. If the controller has its own space temperature
sensor, then it communicates its temperature values to the module for
Located on the front of the room command module are the operating
controls and an LCD with three numerical digits and various operating
mode symbols. With the NRM, you can:
view the space (room) temperature
view and manually adjust the space temperature setpoint
manually override the speed of the fan in the controlled equipment
see when the controller is in the Off mode
see when a maintenance condition exists
request the temporary occupied mode during unoccupied or standby
mode operation by pressing a push button or rotating the dial
change the temperature display units from °F to °C (North American
models only)
Some of these functions may not be available or are limited by the
configuration of the module or controller.