john deer JD340/S Service Textbook Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for JD340/S

Page 1: ... JOHN DEERE S ERVICE TEXTBOOK for J aiLl N D E E DE F1 M JD340 S Snowmobile J I Litho in U S A 1 4 M65776 ...


Page 3: ...Spark Plug Timing Dynamic Lighting Coil Capacity Light Bulbs Headlight S op Tai 11 ight Speedometer Tachometer SPECIFICATIONS JD Ki oritz KEC 340 RS 2 2 60 mm 60 rrrn 339 cc 47 8000 rpm M ikuni VM 34 2 used 9 00 U S gal 50 1 Aluminum ABS Polycarbonate J04 in 40 in 41 i n 385 lbs Jets See pages 10 11 Slide JD295 S Bogie Slide w Gates Poly Track Will Adapt to JD340jS Goodyear Grouser Bar 15 5 in 2 S...

Page 4: ... 0 024 in Crankshaft Runout Max 0 002 in Crankshaft End Play Max 0 020 in Piston at Top Land 2 3476 to 2 3484 in Pis ton at Skirt 2 3520 to 2 3524 in 0 005 in Pi ston Pin Bore 0 7083 to 0 7087 in 1117 11 0 001 in Pi ston Pin 0 7083 to 0 7087 in I f I 1 1 1 0 001 in Compression Pressure 110 to 130 psi Check compression with engine cold and throttle in wide open position Pressure should not vary by ...

Page 5: ... IMPORTANT Due to the high output of this engine thefO Il lowing precautions must be taken to prevent engine failure 1 Use only Premium Grade gasoline 2 Mix gasoline and oil in a 20 1 ratio for first 2 tankfuls Mix in a 50 1 rati 0 therea fter g 3 Keep cooling fan belt tight See page 5 4 Proper break in is critical DO NOT exceed 40 mph for the first 25 miles nor force machine at full throttle in d...

Page 6: ... failed drive belt from damaging the PTO end seal When installing seal guard center hole in guard around crankshaft before tight ening screws This will prevent g r d from contacting crankshaft 5 _ FLYWHEEL REMOVAL A F1 ywhee1 H l j e o i J DM 64 1 is required to haj if 1 w he el from rotating when r rr vi n g 0 1 iMs t Hi ng flywhee 1 reta itlii1g nlr1 A ls 0 use ho lidi ng tool with puller rs sho...

Page 7: ...el mixture is controlled by adj ustingthe air screw MA IN SYSTEM The main system consists of the jet needle needle jet main jet and throttle valve The ratio of air fuel mixture is controlled by the size of the main jet FLOAT SYSTEM The float system consists of 2 independent floats and needle valve The indepen dent float system along with a fuel surface stabilizing plate maintain and stabilize the ...

Page 8: ...e Stop Screw 19 Stop Screw Spri ng 2a Q t e t J W e d 21 iB a f lfdfe P l atte 22 pfjil1 af J e t 23 Gasket 24 Needle Valve Assembly 25 Float Arm Pin 26 Float Arm 27 float 2 us ed 28 Ri ng 12 Starter Plunger Spring 29 Main J et See pages 10 11 _ 13 Washer Plate 30 Float Body 14 Starter Plunger 31 Drain Plug Gasket 15 Air Screw 16 Air Screw Spring 32 Drain Plug 33 Air Jet 1 4 17 Body 34 Screw 4 use...

Page 9: ...o much free play was allowed in step 3 IMPORTANT If the starter plungers do no t properly seat the carburetor will r un R ICH affecting the main system Be certain choke lever on dash r has slight freeplay wherr starter plungers are seated FLOAT LEVEL ADJUSTMENT I Ih I i I 4 1 1 I I O 90 O IN _ i _ I 1 I I j I i L 1 j l_r 7 i l i l 1 _ _ V J Check float adjustment as follows 1 Remove the float cham...

Page 10: ...64 2 over car uretor tliroat Tub e must be Tn a vert1ca 1 pas Hion 7 Slo wly close air flow control until float in tube lines up with a graduated mark on tube 8 Place air flow m eter on second carbu retot without changing adjustment of a fr flow contra1 9 AdJust throttle stop screw on second G aW Quretor to bti ng float to same level as ins tep N o 7 Shut off engn ne 10 Turn the swivel adapters A ...

Page 11: ...niform cylinder temperatures TEMPERATURE Degrees F 400 to 20 200 to aa 0 to 400 40 to 800 Above 80 Left Ri 9ht Left Right Left Ri ght Left Right Left Right ALTITUDE Carbo Carb o Carb o Carbo Carbo Carb o Carbo Carbo Carbo Carbo Feeti 240 230 230 220 220 210 210 200 8000 10 000 250 240 240 230 230 220 220 210 210 200 6000 8000 260 250 250 240 240 230 230 220 220 210 4000 6000 270 260 260 250 250 24...

Page 12: ...270 M65883 In Storage Compartment 280 r 65884 In Storage Compartment NOTE The f aAgeA the M iJ wU numbehJ the taAg eA th e j e t OJUfJ c e w1U c h wdt phOv ede a Jr J c heJ1 Uh 6uet rrKx tMe The Mikuni number is st mped into the bottom of the jet This number is a measure of fuel flow and is not associated with ari exact orifice size 11 To c ha nge plug fr 0m be r b0Qy mai n jet CHANGING MAIN JET M...


Page 14: ...ywheel rotor l which incorporates a special f lexible magnet and is mounted on the engine crankshaft revolves around the alternator stator 3 which is fixed to the engine Current is generated in the windings on the twe lve poles of the stator pla te nine of which supp ly power for the lights and three of which supply power for ignition The electronic module 5 incorp Orates the ignition capacitors a...

Page 15: ...s tance valu s However if an ohmmeter is not available t he following test procedure can be used A Coil Test Disconnect the primary 1ead from the nonf rJ D 9 coi 1 red or white lead Disconnect the primary lead from the firing coil and install it on the nonfiring coi l Do not hold the primary lead on the co il primary terminal as a sey ere electri cal shock may res ult Plug i n the tether switch an...

Page 16: ...d 300 ohms Connect the ohm meter leads between the white lead terminal and the black lead terminal The ohmmeter shoul d i ndi cate betv een 100 and 300 ohms 15 Connect one ohmmeter lead to the engine block Then check the three terminals with the other ohmmeter lead The ohm meter must indicate an open circuit infinity at all three terminals If the above readings are not obtained the timing ring ass...

Page 17: ...sing either an AC voltmeter or a 60 w att 125 volt light bulb with test leads In order to test the alternator it will be necessary to di sconnect the two green ye1low leads from the system Wl r ing A prelimi nary check of the alter nator can be ma e with an ohmmeter to determine if the leads or stator are open or grounded The resistance of the stator assemb ly should be 0 2 to 0 6 ohm when checked...

Page 18: ...t ion is capable of firing a plug of this type If the insulator around the center electrode appears IItrackedll or cracked the plug should be r placed If external insulat r is cracked the plug should also be replaced If the spark plug center electrode is burned back 1 32 inch below the insul tor replace the plug 00 not replace plug unless this condition exists or the insulator is cracked ...

Page 19: ...lace a mark with black felt pen on s heave rim corresponding wi th nail point 6 R emove dial indicator and reinstall spark plug f 1 CO hn e g t a timing light to No 1 spar plug le ad a nd to a 12 volt battery as snown above NOTE A c aJnp OYl type t Cm LYl g ught 6u c h a 6 MVtc O Tftonic Model 712 p c tuAe above i 6 pJte eJt 1 e d CD g rU t o n c an dccmag e a 6 Ut nd aJLd Yl g ugh t 2 Sta rt engj...

Page 20: ...ers on each side of rollers and arms 3 Arms key 15 have a flat machined onto outside surface to retard upshift at low engine rpm 4 Cover plate is offset allowing clu tch spring key 5 to ext nd through cover This provides better control of spring tension throughout the upsh ift range REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY Use same procedures and tools as for other John Deere Comet Clutches Remove plug from left s...

Page 21: ...00 rpm LUBRICATION Use a light coat of Never Seez Lubricant PT569 or silicone spray on movable face bushing Over lubrica tion will cause lubricant to sling out onto heave faces resulting in belt slippage SECONDARYSHEAVE PRETENSION CKART Lay fi xed stie ave an Lp l t With fixe d cal11 engaged on very top of fixed flat with post up As ro B re _ sfj eave and post spl ine rotate moliaEile Allow movabl...

Page 22: ... securing engine crankcase to engine base pl ate 8 NOTE Re move nOM pfug 6 nlWm bo ttDm On pan to pf7 ov de ac c e6 J to ti1e6e cap Jc Jtew 6 3 8 x 3 8 KEYSTOCK 22 INCHES LONG 7 Slide engine fOY1 lard or rearward asre q u Lred to obtain 4 30 inch di mens ion between s heaves as shown above Ti ghten cap screws NOTE ThAA cUme M on C Wl be lYlCJLQ a 6 e d 6 ughU y to c ompe noa te 6017 a wOJUr dJUve ...

Page 23: ... visible press and release the lever rapidly i v eral times to see if it will clear the port If the squirt still does not occur disassemble the master cylinder In doing so inspect for signs of wear or damage and replace parts as required 22 DISASSEMBLY Disassemble the master cylinder by removing one of the rings 4 and pivot pin 3 so that the lever 5 piston 6 O ring 7 cup B and spring 9 may be remo...

Page 24: ...e cap screw securing upper sprocket 5 Remove 3 bolts securing left hand secondary shaft bearing and pull secondary shaft out of chain case and brake disk 6 Remove screw Key 4 securing fric tion pad Key 5 Install new friction pad and secure with screw 23 2 used 7 Reassemble in opposite order Apply Never Seez 1 ubri cant to ins i de of brake disk hUb prior to installation on seconda ry sha ft 8 Blee...

Page 25: ... Check all fluid line connections before bleeding and check frequently to see that fluid level in the master cylinder is within l 8 inch of top at all times Add brake fluid as necessary Proceed as foll ows 1 Position handlebars such that the reservoir is as level as possible Remove cap from fluid reservoir 2 Attach a flexible bleeder tube to the upper bleeder valve nipple Place the other end of th...

Page 26: ...l1 uvl d a Ue d n Uppe l1 hole 74 Pitch Length AM53568 76 Pi tch Length AM53624 CHAIN TENSION 1 Check chain tension by rotating brake disk forward and backward If chain is properly tensioned 1 4 inch freeplay will exist at rim of brake di sk as shown above NOTE Be c eJl tL Un tlta c b dJU ve 6ha o t do no t l1 o ta te whe n c he c ng ol1 e e pla y Hold t La c b dI1 ve whe do 0 ne c 6a 11 y 2 Turn ...

Page 27: ...screw from o posite end 3 Loosen nut and remove 7 16 x 1 3 4 inch cap screw Install suspension as follows 1 Ins tall suspension into track 2 With track and suspension positioned at about a 450 angle to the tunnel a s hown above install and tighten two cap screws securing front pivot arm to tunnel NOTE The nlr ont p vo t a c an be no ta Le ed n one 06 0 pO bA UOYl 6 See page 2 6olr de ta J j 3 Pivo...

Page 28: ...l RefnO vespeeiJ o m eter dri ve and bear ing 3 R emove cap screw securing eft hand drive wheel to drives haft Slide drive wheel toward center idler wheel NOTE 16 ciJUv e wheel w 1 l 110 t 6ude on j ha6 t dJUve ho 6 t c an be Jz emoved by i Lemo v tH9 JUgh t h a nd yecuvln g tWin mail l Ci l e 21 DRIVE SHAFT CHAI NCASE COVER 4 pun drive shaft to left out of lower chain case bearing Drive shaft can...

Page 29: ...Let track coast to a stop DO NOT apply brake s this can cause track to go out of allgnment 2 Measure distance between outer track drive lugs and rear idler wheel This dimension should be equal on both sides 3 track will run to the loose side If distance between drive lugs and and idler wheels is not equal loosen the track tension slightly on the side with the shortest dimension 4 Repeat steps I 2 ...

Page 30: ...nuts and turn adjusting screws as requi red NOTE Do no t exc eed 2 cnc he be twe en ou teJL tie fWd end and tie h iJd ct6 ohown CVl d above r6 2 inchM muot be exceeded to Ob t a CVl plLOp eJL aLLgrune nt c he c k po o o Yt 06 0 te eJUYt9 CUt 1M STEERING ARMS Steering arms m ust be angled inward one serration as shown above This is impor tant to obtain proper s teeri ng geomet ry Scribe mark on ste...
