JMC JIMMY 1993 Owner'S Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for JIMMY 1993

Page 1: ...9 9 U 3 O w n e r s M a n u a l THE STRENGTH OF EXPERIENCE REPRODUCTION X9311...

Page 2: ...c...

Page 3: ...mestoservice keep in mindthatyour GMC Truckdealerknows yourvehiclebestand is interested in yourcompletesatisfaction Yourdealer invitesyoutoreturnforallofyourserviceneedsbothduringandafterthe warrantyp...

Page 4: ...never it appears in thismanual About Driving Your Jimmy As with other vehicles of this type failuretooperatethisvehiclecorrectlymayresult in lossofcontrol or an accident Besureto read the on pavement...

Page 5: ...Model Reference This manual covers these utility models f iii...

Page 6: ...TABLE OF CONTENTS iv...

Page 7: ...rmation and tips about the road and how to driveunderdifferentconditions 5 This section tells youwhat to do if you have a problem while driving such as a flat tire or engineoverheating 7 Thissectionte...

Page 8: ...I Y w r I _...

Page 9: ...lfindit SECTIONS 1 6 Eachsectionofthismanualbeginswithabrieflistofits contents so youcanoftenfindataglance if asectioncontainsthe informationyouwant SECTION 7 Thissectionofthismanualcoversthemaintenan...

Page 10: ...norethewarning I These mean there is something that could hurt you or other 1 people I In theyellowcautionarea we tellyouwhatthehazard is Thenwe tellyou what to do to helpavoidorreducethehazard Please...

Page 11: ...ldnotbecoveredbyyourwarranty and itcouldbecostly Butthenotice will tellyouwhat to do to helpavoidthe damage Whenyoureadothermanuals youmightseeCAUTIONandNOTICE warnings in differentcolors or in differ...

Page 12: ...are usedon an original battery Fip IFpi u Protect Eves Caustic Batterv Acid Spark or Flame Could Caurion Possible Injury Avoid Sparks orFlames r L 2 by Shielding Could Cause burns Explode Battery Thes...

Page 13: ...ion Daytime Running Lights i Hazard Warning 0 1 FogLights Headlight High Beam Thesesymbolsare on some of your controls L i Windshield Wiper 1 I Windshield Washer 1 I Windshield Defroster m Rear Window...

Page 14: ...hts Engine Coolant Temperature BRAKE Brake Dislitai Cluster I Battery Charging System BRAKE Brake Standard Cluster 3 1 1 Fuel cf Shift Light Herearesomeother symbols you may see Fuse u Lighter c Horn...

Page 15: ...11 Questions Many People Ask About Safety Belts 1 14 How To Wear Safety Belts Properly 1 16 Driver Posltlon 1 16 Lap Shoulder Belt 1 17 SafetyBeltUseDuringPregnancy 1 22 Right Front Passenger Positio...

Page 16: ...sseatwhilethevehicle is moving Thesuddenmovement could startleandconfuse you or makeyoupush a pedalwhenyou don t want to Adjust the driver sseat only when the vehicle is not moving I Manual Front Sea...

Page 17: ...ncanbe dangerous Even if youbuckleup yoursafetybeltscan tdotheirjob whenyou rereclinedlikethis Theshoulderbeltcan t do its jobbecauseitwon tbeagainstyour body Instead itwillbe in frontofyou In a crash...

Page 18: ...Manual Lumbar Adjustment 1 PO326 If you havethisfeature therewill be aknobwith six settingsontheoutside of thedriverandpassengerbucketseats Turntheknobcounter clockwisetoincreaselumbarsupportandclockw...

Page 19: ...toftheseat go upand down The center control makesthewholeseatgoupanddownorforwardand rearward Power Lumbar Adjustment PO331 If youhavethisfeature therewillbeacontrolonthefrontofyourseat Press and hold...

Page 20: ...reely unlessyoucome to a sudden stop Then it will lock in place u 1 KO303 There sonetimetheseatback may notfoldwithoutsomehelpfromyou That s if yourvehicle is parkedgoingdownafairlysteephill To fold a...

Page 21: ...After someonegetsintotherear seat area movetherightfront slide forward seatbackto its originalposition Thenmovetheseatrearward until it locks mIfaneasy entry rightfrontseat isn t locked it can move In...

Page 22: ...thelatchattherighthandsideoftheseatcushion Then foldtheseatback forward To raise it lift up theseatbackand push it until it locks in theupright position Your rearseatbackhas a mechanicallatchontherigh...

Page 23: ...eit just lift uptheseatbackandpush it until it locks in theupright position Your rear seatbackhasmechanicallatches on both sides Push andpull on theseatback to checkthatbothlatcheshavelocked in theupr...

Page 24: ...hatyourpassengers beltsarefastened properly too AM110001 Thisfigurelightsupwhenyouturnthekey to RUN or START whenyour safetybeltisn tbuckled andyou llhearachime too It s thereminderto buckleup Inmanys...

Page 25: ...In mostcrashes buckling up doesmatter a lot Why Safety Be ts Work AM115001 AM115002 Whenyou ride in or onanything you go asfastas it goes For example if thebikeisgoing 10 mph 16 km h so is thechild Wh...

Page 26: ...Take the simplest vehicle Suppose it s just a seatonwheels Putsomeone i on it AM115003 AM115004 Take the simplest vehicle Suppose it s just a seatonwheels Putsomeone I AM115005 Get it up to speed Then...

Page 27: ...AM115007 or theinstrument panel 1 1 3...

Page 28: ...f you reupsidedown Andyourchance of beingconsciousduringandafteranaccident so you can unbuckleandget out is much greater if you are belted Q Why don tthey just put in airbags so people won t have to w...

Page 29: ...youfromthingsbeyondyourcontrol suchasbad drivers Mostaccidentsoccurwithin 25 miles 40 km of home And thegreatest number of serious injuriesanddeathsoccur at speeds of lessthan 40 mph 65 kmih Safetybel...

Page 30: ...n And Athere a10 differentrules for babies and smatler children If a child will be riding in your vehicle see the part after this ane called Children Follow these rules for everyone s protection First...

Page 31: ...rbelt Here showtowearitproperly 1 Closeandlockthe door 2 Adjusttheseat to seehow see Seats in theIndex so you cansit upstraight I 1 I AM120077 3 Pickupthelatchplateandpullthebeltacross you Don tlet it...

Page 32: ...beltshouldbe low andsnug on thehips just touching thethighs In acrash thisappliesforcetothestrongpelvic bones And you d be less likely toslideunderthelapbelt If you slid under it thebelt would apply f...

Page 33: much protectionthis way AYou can be seriously hurt if you shoulder belt is too louse In a crash you would move forward too much which could increase injury Theshoulder belt should fit against your...

Page 34: ...kle nearest you Q What s wrong withthis AM125001 A The shoulderbelt is wornunderthe arm It should be wornover the shoulder at all times A You can be seriousty injured if you wear the shoulder belt und...

Page 35: ...Q What s wrong with this AM125002 A The belt is twisted across the body 1 21...

Page 36: ...theway If you slam the door on it you can damage both the belt and yourvehicle Safety Belt Use During Pregnancy AM135001 Safetybeltsworkforeveryone includingpregnantwomen Like all occupants theyaremor...

Page 37: ...n asforanyone the keytomakingsafetybeltseffective is wearingthemproperly Right Front Passenger Posifion KO333 Therightfrontpassenger ssafetybeltworksthesameway as thedriver s safety belt See DriverPos...

Page 38: ...ear benchseat someone can sit inthe centerpositions LapBelt AY145014R1 AM145024Rl When you sit in a center seatingposition youhave a lap safetybelt which has no retractor To makethebeltlonger tiltthel...

Page 39: tounbuckle it quickly if you everhad to Rear Seat Passengers It sveryimportantfor rear seatpassengers to buckle up Accident statistics showthatunbelted people in therear seat are hurtmoreoften i...

Page 40: ...chplateintothebuckleuntil it clicks twisted On four door models whentheshoulderbeltis pulled out all the way it will lock If itdoes let it go back all the way and start again I f thebelt is not long e...

Page 41: If you slid underit thebeltwouldapplyforceatyourabdomen Thiscouldcause seriousorevenfatalinjuries Theshoulderbeltshould go overthe shoulderandacrossthechest Thesepartsofthebodyarebestableto takebel...

Page 42: ...shthebutton on thebuckle Children AM150003Ri Everyoneinavehicleneedsprotection Thatincludesinfantsandallchildren smallerthanadultsize Infact thelawineverystateandCanadianprovince sayschildrenup to som...

Page 43: ...he belt would apply force right on thechild sabdomen which could cause seriousor fatal injuries So be sure that any child small enough forone is always properlyrestrainedin a child or infant restraint...

Page 44: ...0140 split benchseat youmustusetherightfrontpassenger seat Accidentstatisticsshowthatchildrenaresafer if theyarerestrained in therearratherthanthefrontseat We atGeneralMotors therefore recommendthatyo...

Page 45: ...t it in for you I f youwantto install ananchoryourself your dealercantellyouhowto do it Securing 8 Child Restraint in a Rear Outside Position Four Door Models KO341 You ll beusingthelap shoulderbelt S...

Page 46: ...ulderbeltwould go in front of ths child s face or neck If so put itbehindthechildrestraint 4 Bucklethe belt Makesure the release button facesupward or outward so you ll be able tounbuckle it quickly i...

Page 47: ...efreelyagainand be ready to workforan adult or largerchildpassenger Securing a Child Restraint ina Rear Oufslde Position Two Door Models KO370 You llbeusingthelap shoulderbelt Seetheearlierpartabout t...

Page 48: ...Seeif theshoulderbelt would go in frontofthechild sfaceorneck If so put itbehindthechildrestraint outward so you llbeable to unbuckleit quickly if you everneed to 4 Bucklethe belt Makesurethereleasebu...

Page 49: ...To remove the child restraint just unbucklethevehicle ssafety belt and let it go back allthe way Thesafetybelt will movefreelyagainandbeready to work for anadult orlarger child passenger 1 35...

Page 50: ...Seetheearlierpartaboutthetopstrap if thechildrestraint has one 1 Make thebeltaslong as possiblebytiltingthelatchplateandpulling it alongthebelt Four Door Front Four Door Rear A N IWUPU 2 Put therestr...

Page 51: ...straintindifferentdirections to besureit is secure If thechildrestraintisn tsecure turnthelatchplateoverand buckle it again Thensee if it is secure If itisn t securetherestraintin adifferentplace in t...

Page 52: ...s position The restraint won t work properly KO333 You llbeusingthelap shoulderbelt See theearlierpartaboutthetopstrap if thechildrestrainthasone I 1 Puttherestraintontheseat Follow theinstructions fo...

Page 53: ...of thechild sface or neck If so put itbehindthechildrestraint 4 5 APIlU I AN166148 Bucklethebelt Makesurethereleasebuttonfacesupward or outward so you llbeabletounbuckle it quickly if youeverneed to P...

Page 54: ...ethechildrestraint justunbucklethevehicle ssafetybeltand let it gobackallthe way The safetybelt will movefreelyagainandbereadyto work foranadultorlargerchildpassenger Larger Children secure Childrenwh...

Page 55: ...o are a AM170052 CAUTION y I Never do this Were Wu children are wearing the same belt The beft can t properly spreadtheimpact forces In a crash the two children can be crushedtogether and seriously in...

Page 56: thechild sface or neck youmight want to placethechildinseatthathasalap belt if yourvehiclehasone AN170077 I Never do this A Here a child is sitting in a seat that has a lapshoulder belt but the sho...

Page 57: ...ur Restraint Systems Now andthen makesureallyourbelts buckles latchplates retractors anchoragesandremindersystemsareworkingproperly Lookforanyloose parts ordamage If youseeanythingthatmightkeeparestra...

Page 58: ...ts liketheretractor replacedor anchoragelocationsrepaired evenifthebeltwasn tbeingused atthe time of the collision Q What swrong with this 1 AP125004 A Thebelt is torn Torn or frayed belts may not pro...

Page 59: ...You ll needthemodelyearandmodelnumber foryourvehicle Themodel year is on yourtitleandregistration Andyou can findthemodelnumberon thecertificationhirelabel ofyourvehicle Y IC2447 Themodelnumberonther...

Page 60: ...f U...

Page 61: ...t to do if youhaveaproblem For explanation of vehicle symbols referto Vehicle Symbols in Section 0 Keys 2 3 YourDoorsandHowTheyWork 2 5 Side Doors 2 5 Door Locks 2 6 Tailgate 2 8 Keyless Entry System...

Page 62: ...Wheel 2 37 Turn SignaVMultifunction Lever 2 38 TurnSignalandLaneChangeIndicator 2 38 Headlight High Low Beam 2 40 Windshield Wipers 2 41 Windshield Washer 2 43 Rear Window WiperNVasher 2 44 Cruise Co...

Page 63: ...Keys c K512 The ignition keys are for the ignitiononly 2 3...

Page 64: ...anewvehicleisdelivered thedealerremovestheplugsfromthe keys andgivesthemtothefirstowner Eachplughasacodeon it thattellsyourdealeroraqualifiedlocksmithhow to make extrakeys Keeptheplugs in a safeplace...

Page 65: ...CE I Your Doors And How They Work Side Doors To open the door from theoutside lift thehandleand pull the door open KO298 To openthe door from the inside pull the lever toward you and push the door ope...

Page 66: ...ocked door when you slow downor stop your vehicle This may not be so obvious You increase the chance of being thrown out of thb vehiclein a crash i f the doors aren t locked Wear safety beltsproperly...

Page 67: ...f yourvehicle has powerdoorlocks pushthepower door lock switch on either front doortowardthekeysymbol Thisswitch will lockallthe doors at once To unlockthedoors pushtheswitchaway from thekeysymbol Onf...

Page 68: ...arrierarmout of the way to open the glass It can be dangerous to drive with the rear window or reardooropen Carban monoxide CO gas can come into your vehicle You can t see or smell CO It can cause unc...

Page 69: ...rvehiclehasanautomatictransmission yourshiftlevermust be in P Park or N Neutral forthereleasetowork If youhaveamanualtransmission eitherwith or withouttheKeylessEntry option youmustapplyyourparkingbra...

Page 70: ...atchthecarrier arm swing it towardthetailgate Thelatchhas two catches so pushonthecarrierarm to makesure it haslockedintothe secondone It shouldn tmove Leaving Your Vehicle If youareleavingthevehicle...

Page 71: ...tance Youmaybe toofarfromyourvehicle Thisproduct Checkthelocation Othervehiclesorobjectsmaybeblockingthesignal Seeyour GM dealer or aqualifiedtechnicianforservice hasamaximumrangeof 30 feet 9 m fromth...

Page 72: ...atchatransmitter to asmanydifferentvehiclesasyouown providedtheyareequippedwith exactly thesamemodelsystem General Motors offersseveraldifferentmodels of thesesystemsontheirvehicles Eachvehiclecanhave...

Page 73: ...dime 3 RemoveandreplacethebatterieswithtwoDuracell typebatteries DL2016 or equivalent positive side down 4 Alignandsnaptogetherthebackandtoptransmitterhousings Theft Vehicletheft is a bigbusiness espe...

Page 74: ...sand lock your vehicle Remember to keepyourvaluablesout of sight Putthem in astorage area or takethemwithyou Parking Lots If youpark ina lot wheresomeone w i l l be watchingyour vehicle it s best to l...

Page 75: ...ature You will onlybeabletoremoveyourkeywhenthe ignition is turned to LOCK Off Thispositionletsyouturn off theenginebutstillturnthesteeringwheel like LOCK Use Off if youmusthaveyourvehicle in motionwh...

Page 76: ...own atthesametime Keepingyourfingeronthelever pullthekeystraightout Onautomatictransmissionvehicles turnthekeyto LOCK andpull it straight out Starting Your Engine Enginesstartdifferently The8thdigitof...

Page 77: ...icle s computersystems youdon t key Theidlespeedwill go down asyourenginegetswarm 2 Don tpushtheacceleratorpedalbeforestartingyourengine In some 3 Turnyourignitionkey to Start Whentheenginestarts let...

Page 78: ...trols If theenginestilldoesn tstart waitanother 15 secondsanddo it all again Whentheenginestarts let go of thekey and the accelerator pedal Driving Through DeepStanding Water Engine Muck Heater 1 1 I...

Page 79: ...ind of extension cord could overheat and muse a fire You could be seriously injured Plug the cord into a properly grounded three prong 110 vott outlet If the cord won t reach use a heavy duty three pr...

Page 80: ...running unless you have to if you haveleft the enginerunning thevehicle can muve suddenly Youorothers could be injured To be sure your vehic e won t move when you re onfairlylevel ground always set yo...

Page 81: ...of P Park or N Neutral while your engine is racing NOTICE 1 OD AutomaticOverdrive Thisposition is for normaldriving If youneed morepower for passing andyou re Goinglessthanabout 35 mph 56 km h pushyou...

Page 82: start your vehiclefromastoponslipperyroadsurfaces 1 FirstGear Thispositiongivesyouevenmorepower butlowerfuel economy than 2 You canuseitonverysteephills or indeepsnow or mud If theselectorlever is...

Page 83: ...and 5 the same wayyou do for 2 Slowlylet up on theclutchpedalasyoupress theacceleratorpedal To Stop Letupontheacceleratorpedalandpressthebrakepedal Justbeforethevehiclestops presstheclutchpedalandtheb...

Page 84: ...cles Only I f yourvehiclehasfour wheeldrive andisequippedwithamanualtransmission disregardtheshiftlightwhenthe transfercaseisin 4 LOW Shift Speeds Manual Transmissions If yourspeed drops below 20 mph...

Page 85: ...thebrakesystem warninglight will comeon To release the parking brake Holdtheregularbrakepedaldown Pullthebrakereleaselever If you are on a hili See ParkingonHills intheIndex Thatpartshowshowtoturnyour...

Page 86: ...someofthepressure off thetransmissionwhile you pull theselectorleverout of P Park Shifting Into P Park Automatic Transmission Models Only It can be dangerous to get but of yourvehicle if the shift lev...

Page 87: ...pasfaras it will go 3 If youhavefour wheeldrivewith a manualtransfercaseshiftlever be surethetransfercaseis in a drivegear not in N Neutral 4 Movetheignitionkeyto LOCK 5 Removethekeyandtake it withyou...

Page 88: ...yougetoutofyourvehicle putyourmanualtransmission in R Reverse andfirmlyapplytheparkingbrake If youhavefour wheeldrivewithamanualtransfercaseshiftlever be sure yourtransfercaseis in a drivegear Yourveh...

Page 89: ...Parking Over Things That Burn P I j_ 1 i i i 1 I AM220006 2 29...

Page 90: ...r system control off could ailow dangerous exhaust into your vehicle See the earlier Caution under Also idling in a closed in place can let deadly carbon monoxide CO into your vehicle even if the fan...

Page 91: shift lever and yourtransfercase is in N Neutral your vehicle will be free to roll even if your shift lever is in P Park So be sure the transfer case is in a drive gear mt in N Neutral Follow the...

Page 92: ...f thepattern does notlightup or if thefrontaxledoes not go outafteryoushiftoutoffour wheeldrive haveyourdealercheck yoursystem Turnthedialaboveyourheadlightswitchtothelefttodimyour transfercaseindica...

Page 93: ...ryoushift To shiftinto or out of 4 LOW or N SETPARKINGBRAKE 1 Stopyourvehicleandshiftyourtransmissionintoneutral 2 Pressthetransfercaseshiftbuttonandshiftinonecontinuousmotion Don tpause in N SET PARK...

Page 94: ...t Yourvehicle will be in twowheeldrive if neitherindicatorlight is on To shift from two wheel drive TWO WHEEL to4HI Pressandrelease the 4HI switch Thiscanbedoneatany speed and the front axle will lock...

Page 95: ...letetheshift unlessthevehicle is below 3 mphandthetransmission is in N Neutral or theclutchpedaldepressed Onautomatictransmissionequippedvehicles If yourtransfercasedoes not shiftinto 4HI yourtransmis...

Page 96: ...wsaswell Your powerwindows will only workwhentheignitionhasbeenturned to Run Pushtheswitchdowntolowerthewindow Push theswitch up toraisethewindow Sliding Rear Quarter Window 1 i Yourvehiclemayhave a s...

Page 97: ...soundthehorn Tilt Wheel KO225 If youhaveatiltsteeringwheel it allows youtoadjustthesteeringwheel beforeyoudrive Do notadjustthesteeringwheelduringyourdriving You canalsoraise it to thehighestlevel to...

Page 98: ...ultifunction Lever PO177 Theleverontheleftsideofthesteeringcolumnincludesyour TurnSignalandLaneChangeIndicator HeadlightHigh LowBeam PassingSignal Windshield Wipers Windshield Washer Cruise Control Op...

Page 99: Standard Cluster Digital Cluster PO251 A green arrow ontheinstrumentpanel will flash in thedirection of theturn orlanechange To signalalanechange justraise or lowertheleveruntilthegreenarrow starts...

Page 100: ...heven if aturnsignalbulbisburnedout Check thefront andrearturnsignallightsregularly to makesuretheyareworking Operation of Lights Althoughyourvehicle slightingsystem headlights parkinglights foglamps...

Page 101: ...sowillbeon Windshield Wipers I PO180 Forasinglewipingcycle turnthebandto MIST Hold it thereuntilthe wipersstart thenletgo Thewiperswillstopafteronecycle If youwant morecycles holdtheband on MIST longe...

Page 102: ...amaged wiperblades may prevent you from seeing well enough to drive safety To avoid damage be surebfo clear ice and snow from the wiper blades before using them li they refrozen to the windshield care...

Page 103: ...To spraywasher fluid on thewindshield pushthepaddle I f youhavethestandardwipers thewiperswillkeepgoingin LO untilyou turnthewi per control to the off symbol If you havethe Low SpeedDelayoption thewip...

Page 104: ...urrearwindowwipedwasherfromaswitchonyourinstrument panel Pressthetopoftheswitchtothefirstpositiontoturnonthewiper Pressthetopoftheswitch inallthe way towashthewindow The Pressthebottom of theswitchtot...

Page 105: ...Thiscanreallyhelp on long trips CruiseControldoesnotworkatspeedsbelowabout 25 mph 40 kmlh Whenyouapplyyourbrakesorpushtheclutchpedal if youhaveamanual transmission theCruiseControlshuts off CAUTION I...

Page 106: ...witch on when you re not using Cruise you mighthit a button and go into Cruise when you don t wantto You coufd be startled and even lose control Keep the Cruise Control switch OFF untif you want to us...

Page 107: ...AUTION I AIf you hold the switch at WA ResumelAmlerate longer than half a second the V8hiCk W t l l keep going faster until you release the switch or apply the brake You could be startled and even los...

Page 108: ...Hold it thereuntilyougetup to thespeedyouwant andthenreleasethe switch 2 To increase your speed in very smallamounts movetheswitch to RIA Resume Accelerate forlessthanhalf a second and thenrelease it...

Page 109: ...Cruise Control on Hills HowwellyourCruiseControl will workon hillsdependsuponyourspeed load andthesteepnessofthehills Whengoingupsteephills youmay want to stepontheacceleratorpedaltomaintainyourspeed...

Page 110: ...eftside of yourinstrumentpanel t Push thetopswitchtoturnon Parking Lights Sidemarker Lights Taillights License Plate Lights Instrument Panel Lights TransferCase Shift IndicatorPanel Pushthe bottom swi...

Page 111: ...he multifunctionlever A circuitbreakerprotectsyourheadlights If youhaveanelectricaloverload yourheadlightswillflickeronand off Haveyourheadlightwiringchecked rightaway if thishappens Fog Lamps 9 I __...

Page 112: ...onewillnotgive off asmuchlightasyourheadlights Neveruseyourfoglamps inthedarkwithoutturningonyourheadlights KQ242 If yourvehiclewasfirstsold whennew in Canada you will havethislight on the instrumentp...

Page 113: ...ndtheexterior lights will come on Whenyouturn off theheadlights theexteriorlightswill gooutandhigh beamswillchangetothereducedbrightness of DRLagain TheDRLindicatorlightontheinstrumentpanelwill go on...

Page 114: ...onwhenyouopentheside doors You can also turnthedomelightsonbyturningthedimmerdial to therightuntilitclicks Thereardomelight has aswitchthatletsyouturn it onfromtherearofthe vehicle Besureyouturn it of...

Page 115: ...4 Inside Mirror Pressthetabunderthemirror to reduceglarefromheadlightsbehindyou If yourvehiclehasoptionalmaplights theywillautomaticallycomeonfor approximately 15 secondswheneitherfrontdoor is opened...

Page 116: ...irror then move theswitchfromsidetoside or upanddown as needed Convex Outside Mirror Your rightsidemirrorisconvex A convexmirror ssurfaceiscurved so you canseemorefromthedriver sseat If you aren t use...

Page 117: ...rors y r 5 1 To block outglare youcanswingdownthevisors Youcanalsoswingthem fromside to side Somevisorshavemirrors built in withandwithoutlights Just lift themirror coveroneachvisor to turnthelightson...

Page 118: ...sionthatcanbepulledoutforadditionalglareprotection Yourvisormayhaveastrap for holdingsmallitems such as maps Accessory Power Outlet PO1L If you havetheoptionalaccessorypoweroutlet youcanpluginauxiliar...

Page 119: ...won tbeable to backawayfromtheheatingelementwhenit sready That can make it overload damagingthelighterandtheheatingelement To removethefrontashtray pull on thefront of it To removethesmallerashtrayso...

Page 120: ...thetop of theconsolewhilepressingthebuttononthe driver s side If you have an automatic transmission your console also includes ahandyplaceto hold cups if youhaveamanualtransmission yourconsole will h...

Page 121: ...buttonsoneithersideofthekeyhole togetherandpullthedooropen Two cupholdersareprovidedforyour convenience Useyourdoorkeytolockyourglovebox I PO353 Ifyouhavetheoverheadconsole you will alsohave a handyco...

Page 122: ...s KO259 A narrowshelfunderyourinstrumentpanel may be usedforitemssuch as glovesorsmall books KO260 You willfind a storagepocketoneachofthefrontdoors Thedriver sdoor pocketcontains a coinholderforyourl...

Page 123: ...ay be providedfortherear of yourvehicle to helpkeep smallitems likeglovesandlightclothing in placeduringsharpturnsorquick stopsandstarts Thenet is notdesigned to retaintheseitemsduringoff road use The...

Page 124: ...idecorner visiblefromtherear of vehicle Attachthelowerloopstotheretainersneartheload floor of the endgateopening Theconveniencenethas a maximumcapacity of 80 pounds 36 kg Cargo Cover PO188 If you have...

Page 125: ...allthegaragedooropener first openthecompartmentdoorbypressingthelatchforward PO186 Peeltheprotectivebackingfromthehook and looppatch Press it firmly to theback of yourgaragedooropener asclose to thece...

Page 126: ...ethecompartmentdoor to makesurethebuttononthe compartment door will contactthecontrolbuttonon the garagedooropener Add onepeg at a timeuntilthegarage door openeroperateswiththe compartment door closed...

Page 127: ...PO039 2 67...

Page 128: ...Features Controls KO262 2 68...

Page 129: ...KO263 2 69...

Page 130: ...Featums Contds P I 2 70...

Page 131: ...alsoincludes a tachometerand will givereadings in eitherEnglish or Metric To switch from EnglishtoMetric justpress down onthe f3M lever KO265 Yourspeedometer lets youseeyourSpeed in bothmilesperhour m...

Page 132: ...of theoldodometer thenitmustbe But if it can t then it s setat zero andalabel must beput on thedriver sdoortoshowtheold mileage readingwhen the newodometer wasinstalled Trip Odometer Thetripodometerc...

Page 133: ...It displaysthe enginespeedinrevolutionsperminute rpm I If youhavethe 4 3L HighPerformanceengine VIN Code W youwillhave afuelregulatorthatshutsthefuel off whentheenginereaches 5600 rpm Warning Lights...

Page 134: ...advice Waitingtodorepairscanbecostly andevendangerous So pleasegetto knowyourwarninglightsandgages They rea big help Brake System Warning Light Standard Cluster I PO158 Yourvehicle shydraulicbrakesyst...

Page 135: ...n after you ve pulled off the road and stopped carefully have the vehicle towed for sewiee Antilock Brake System Warning Light Standard Cluster Digital Cluster PO160 Withantilock thislightwillgo on wh...

Page 136: ...t It meansthatyourenginecoolanthas overheated If youhavebeenoperating your vehicleundernormaldriving conditions youshouldpull off theroad stopyourvehicleandturn off the engine as soonaspossible If you...

Page 137: ...andemissioncontrol systems This lightshouldcomeonwhentheignition is on but theengine is not running asacheck to show you it is working If it doesnotcomeonat ail have it fixed rightaway If it stayson o...

Page 138: ...sure inkPa kilopascals Oilpressuremayvarywithenginespeed outside temperatureand oil viscosity butreadingsabovethe low pressurezone indicatethenormaloperatingrange A reading in the low pressurezonemay...

Page 139: ...or comesonwhile youaredriving youmayhaveaproblemwiththeelectricalchargingsystem Itcouldindicatethatyouhavealoosegeneratordrivebelt oranother electricalproblem Have it checkedright away Drivingwhileth...

Page 140: ...Indicator Light Canada Only Thisgreenlightwiththe DRL symbol is onthelowerleft of theinstrument cluster The DRL indicatorisonwhenever the ignitionisonandtheheadlight switchandparkingbrakeare off Form...

Page 141: ...indicatorlightwillhelpyougetthe bestfueleconomy See ShiftIndicatorLight inthissection Headlight High Beam Indicator Light Thislightwiththebluehighbeamsymbol is ontheinstrumentcluster The highbeamindi...

Page 142: ...cluster Theturnsignal indicator will comeonwhenever you signalaturnorlanechange See Turn andLaneChangeSignal in this section Gages Fuel Gage Standard Cluster Digital Cluster KO272 The fuelgagetellsyou...

Page 143: ...scapacityto fill the tank Thegagemovesalittlewhenyouturnacorner or speedup Thegagedoesn tgoback to emptywhenyouturn off theignition your fuel tankcapacity seetheIndexunder FluidCapacities Voltmeter st...

Page 144: ...arrierhasslats siderailsandcrossrailsattachedto the roof tosecurecargo Themoveabletiedowns attached to thesiderails shouldbeusedtosecureloads to theluggagecarrier Use GM accessoryracksthatarecompatibl...

Page 145: ...ethecrossrailsonly to keeptheloadfromsliding I f youneed to carrylongitems movethecrossrails asfarapart as possible Tietheload to themoveabletiedownsprovided in theside rails Alsotietheload to thebump...

Page 146: KO249 Theheavydutytrailerwiringincludesboth a 5 wire harness assembly the lightdutytrailerwiring and a 2 wireharnessassembly The 2 wireharness is storedunderthevehiclealongtherearcrossmember Both t...

Page 147: ...ion of vehicle symbols refer to Vehicle Symbols in Section 0 Comfort Controls 3 3 Flow Through Ventilation System 3 3 Heating System 3 5 Heating Air Conditioning System 3 6 Engine Block Heater 3 7 Rea...

Page 148: ...w toOperateYour ETR AM FM Stereo AudioCassette System WithEqualizer 3 17 Care of YourCassetteTapePlayer 3 20 How toOperateYour ETR AM FM StereoAudioCompactDisc CD System 3 21 Care of YourCompact Disc...

Page 149: ...r conditioningfanisrunning Ventilation Tips Keepthe hood and frontairinletfreeofice snow oranyother obstruction suchasleaves Theheateranddefroster will workfar better reducingthechanceoffoggingtheinsi...

Page 150: ...panel You canmovethevents to directthe flow of air or closethevents altogether Whenyoucloseavent it will increase the flowof aircoming out of anyventsthatareopen I f yourvehicle does o t haveaircondi...

Page 151: ...ver up forwarmerair Movethelever down for coolerair Function Lever Theleverontherightofthesystemcanbemoved to threedifferentheating functions DEFROST Thissettingoperatesthedefroster Most oftheaircomes...

Page 152: ...everontheleft of thesystemdisplaylets you selectthetemperature ot theaircomingintoyourvehicle Movetheleverupforwarmerair Movethe leverdown for coolerair Function Lever Theleverontherightofthesystemcan...

Page 153: ...eralltheway to Cold MAX letsinonlyalittleairfromtheoutside You canuse MAX atfirst when it sreallyhotoutsideandyouneedtocool off quickly OFF Thebloweris off butairstillwillcomefromoutletsatthefrontofyo...

Page 154: ...igher volumes of sound Saund that seems nurmal can be loud and harmful to your hearing Taka precautions by adjustingthe volume control on your radio to a safe sound level before your hearing adapts to...

Page 155: ...andpowerlines Try reducing thetrebletoreducethisnoise if youevergetit AM Stem C QUAW This meanstheDelco systemcanreceiveC QUAM stereobroadcasts Many AM stationsaroundthecountryuse C QUAM toproduceste...

Page 156: ...ime Whentheignitionis off pushthe RECALL knobto Itallowsyouto RECALL thefrequencywhentheradio is playing displaythetime BAL Balance Thecontrolbehind theupperknoballowsyoutobalancethesoundbetween theri...

Page 157: thesametime Thestation will returnwhenthesame two buttonsar epressedagain Clock To set the clock just Pushthe SET pushbutton Within 5 seconds pressandhold MlNS untilthecorrectminuteappears on th e...

Page 158: ...sthesetwothings It controlsthevolume The VOL knobincreasesvolumewhenrotated It tellsyouthetime Whentheignition is off pushthe RECALL knob to clockwise displaythetime BAL Balance Thecontrolbehindtheupp...

Page 159: ...f thefourpushbuttons to storethestation Wheneveryoupressthatbutton thepresetstation will return NOTE Up to threeadditionalstationsmaybepresetoneachbandbypressingtwo adjoiningbuttons at thesametime The...

Page 160: ...esthesethreethings It controlsthevolume The VOL knobincreasesvolumewithclockwise It tells you thetime Whentheignition is off pushthe RCL knob to It allowsyou to heartheotherside of thetape Pressthe RC...

Page 161: ...s in the VF displayfor 5 Within 5 seconds pushoneofthefourpushbuttons to storethestation seconds Wheneveryoupressthatbutton thepresetstation will return NOTE In addition to thefourstationssetasabove u...

Page 162: workbestwithtapesthatare 30 to 45 minutes longoneachside Tapeslongerthanthatare so thintheymay not workwell in thisplayer Oncethetapeisplaying usetheupperandlowerknobsforvolumebalance i andfadejus...

Page 163: ...things It controlsthevolume It tellsyouthetime Whentheignitionis off pushthe RCL knob to It allowsyou to heartheotherside of thetape Pressthe PROG knob displaythetime whilethecassetteisplaying BAL Bal...

Page 164: ...addition to thefourstationssetasabove up to threeadditionalstations may bepresetoneachbandbypressingtwoadjoiningbuttonsatthe same time Just Tune in thedesiredstation Pressthe SET pushbutton i Within 5...

Page 165: ...workbestwithtapesthatare 30 to 45 minutes longoneachside Tapeslongerthanthatare so thin theymaynotworkwell in thisplayer Oncethetape is playing usetheupperandlowerknobsforvolume balance andfade justa...

Page 166: ...emeheat If theyaten t theymaynotoperateproperlyorcausefailureofthetapeplayer Yourtapeplayershouldbecleanedregularlyeachmonth or afterevery 15 hours ofuse If younoticeareduction in soundquality tryakno...

Page 167: ...dbrieflyunlesstheLeftlRightspeakercontrol RearlFront speakercontrol BASS or TREB areadjusted It controlsthemutefeature Bypressingthe MUTE knob allsoundfrom theradioor CD playerstops Bypressingtheknoba...

Page 168: ...hiscontrol Pushbuttons Thefivepushbuttons let youreturn to favoritestations Theyarealsoused whenyouplayadisc See To Play A CompactDisc Tosetthepushbuttonsforuptotenfavoritestations 5 AM and 5 FM Tune...

Page 169: ...will pull it in Wait a fewsecondsandthediscshouldplay If thedisccomesbackout checkwhether Thediscisupsidedown It is dirty scratched or wet Toomuchmoistureisintheair If thereis waitaboutonehourand try...

Page 170: ...XT Press NEXT SEEK b tohearthenexttracknowinstead of waitinguntilthe presenttrackisfinished If youholdthisbuttonorpressitmorethanonce thediscwilladvancefurther ST PL Press ST PL Stop Play to makethedi...

Page 171: ...fter A Power Loss Whenbatterypower is reapplied to a securedradio theradiowon tturn on and LOC willappearonthedisplay Enteryoursecretcodeasfollows pausenomorethan 15 secondsbetween steps 1 Turntheigni...

Page 172: ...our Compact Disc KO55 Handlediscscarefully Storethemintheiroriginalcasesorotherprotective casesandawayfromdirectsunlightanddust If thesurfaceofadisc is soiled dampenaclean soft clothinamild neutraldet...

Page 173: ...king 4 12 Steering Tips 4 17 Steering in Emergencies 4 18 Passing 4 20 Loss of Control 4 22 Driving Guidelines 4 23 Off Road DrivingWithYour Four wheel DriveVehicle 4 23 Driving in the Rain 4 36 Drivi...

Page 174: ...f Road Signs _ I AM402001 I RED means STOP It mayalsoindicatethatsomemovement is notallowed Examplesare DO NOT ENTER and WRONG WAY RAILROAD ADVANCE CROSSiNG NO PASSING NARROW ZONE BRIDGE AM402002 YELL...

Page 175: ...seeanorangesign aspart of theroadmaybeclosed off or tornup Andtheremaybeworkers andmaintenancevehiclesaround too I I _ AM402004 GREEN is usedtoguidethedriver Greensignsmayindicateupcoming freewayexits...

Page 176: ...Shape of Road Signs The shape of thesignwilltell you something too An OCTAGONAL eight sided signmeans STOP It is alwaysredwithwhite letters AM102008 A DIAMOND shapedsign is awarningofsomethingahead f...

Page 177: ...ersection I AM402010 A TRIANGULARsignalso is usedontwo laneroads to indicateaNO PASSINGZONE Thissign will be on theleftside of theroadway KEEP LEFT OR RIGHTTURN RIGHT THROUGH ONLY AM40201 RECTANGULAR...

Page 178: ...howswhat NOT to do AM402013 Traffic Lights I A We re allfamiliarwithtrafficlightsorstoplights Often greenarrowsarebeing used in thelightsforimprovedtrafficcontrol Onsomemultilaneroads green arrowsligh...

Page 179: ...osted to warndriverswhathours anddaysthese systemsare in effect REVERS BLE LANE ON MULTI LANE Ak ___ Pavement Markings NO PASSING ZONE AM4020 Pavementmarkings add to trafficsignsandsignals Theygiveinf...

Page 180: ...ns bereadyforanything Oncitystreets rural roads orfreeways it means alwaysexpect the unexpected Assumethatpedestriansorotherdriversaregoing to becarelessandmake mistakes Anticipatewhattheymight do Ber...

Page 181: ...usands of victimseveryyear Alcoholtakesawaythreethingsthatanyoneneeds to drive a vehicle Judgment Muscular Coordination Vision Policerecordsshowthathalf of all motorvehicle relateddeathsinvolve alcoho...

Page 182: ...dreachthesame5AC by drinkingthree4 ounce 120 ml glasses of wine or threemixeddrinks if eachhad 1 4 2 ounces 45mi of a liquor likewhiskey ginorvodka It stheamount of alcoholthatcounts For example if th...

Page 183: ...y fivetimesgreater And the bodytakesaboutanhour to riditself ofthealcohol in onedrink No amount of coffeeornumber of coldshowers will speedthatup 1 11 becareful isn ttherightanswer What if there sanem...

Page 184: ...hat s perception time Thenyouhavetobringupyourfootand do it That s reactiontime Average reactiontime isabout 314 of asecond Butthat sonlyanaverage It mightbelesswithonedriverandaslongas two or threese...

Page 185: ...ool betweenhardstops Yourbrakeswillwearoutmuchfasterifyoudoa lot of heavybraking Don t ride thebrakesbylettingyourleftfootrestlightly on thebrake pedalwhiledriving I AM410C ION r Riding your brakes ca...

Page 186: ABS Yourvehiclehasanadvancedelectronicbrakingsystemthatcanhelpyou keep it undercontrol Whenyoustartyourvehicleandbegin to driveawayyoumayheara momentarymotororclickingnoise This is the ABS systemte...

Page 187: If yttu get i o 0close to thevehicle in front of you you won t have time to apply your brakes i f that vehicle suddenly slows or stops Always leave enoughroom up ahead to stop even though you have...

Page 188: ...ds havebuilt inwearindicatorsthatmakeahigh pitchedwarningsoundwhen the brakepadsarewornandnewpadsareneeded The soundmaycome and go or beheardallthetimeyourvehicle is moving exceptwhenyouare pushingont...

Page 189: ...pandfirmlyapplyingthebrakesafew times Braking In Emergencies Useyourantilockbrakingsystemwhenyouneed to Withantilock youcan steerandbrakeatthesametime Inmanyemergencies steeringcanhelp youmorethaneven...

Page 190: ...hatyoushouldadjustyourspeed Of course thepostedspeedsarebasedon good weatherandroadconditions Underlessfavorableconditionsyou llwanttogoslower If youneed to reduceyourspeedasyouapproachacurve doitbefo...

Page 191: ...y andjustasquicklystraightenthe wheelonceyouhaveavoidedtheobject Youmustthenbeprepared to steer backtoyouroriginallaneandthenbrake to acontrolledstop Dependingonyourspeed thiscanberatherviolentforanun...

Page 192: ...hentry again Passing Thedriver of avehicleabouttopassanotheron a two lanehighwaywaits for justtherightmoment accelerates movesaroundthevehicleahead then goesbackintotherightlaneagain A simplemaneuver...

Page 193: ...way iscleartopass youwillhavea runningstart that morethanmakesupforthedistanceyouwouldlosebydroppingback And if somethinghappens to causeyou to cancelyourpass youneed onlyslowdownanddropbackagainandwa...

Page 194: ...theacceleratorpedal If yourvehiclestartstoslide aswhenyouturn a comeronawet snow orice coveredroad easeyourfoot off the acceleratorpedalassoonasyoufeelthetiresstarttoslide Quicklysteer thewayyouwantt...

Page 195: ...eldrive Also see AntilockBrakes in theIndex I f yourvehicledoesn thavefour wheeldrive youshouldn tdriveoff roadunlessyou reonalevel solidsurface Off roaddrivingcanbegreatfun But it doeshavesomedefinit...

Page 196: ...avy toadsinside the cargo area not on theroof Keep cargo in thecargo area as far forward and low as possible Heavy loads on theroofraisethevehicle scenter of gravity You llfindotherimportantinformatio...

Page 197: ...could cause you to lose control and crash So whether you re driving on or off the road you and your passengers should wear safety belts 1 Scanning the Terrain Off roaddrivingcantakeyouover manydiffer...

Page 198: ...ntkind of alertnessfromdriving on pavedroadsandhighways Therearenoroad signs postedspeedlimits or signallights Youhave to useyourowngoodjudgmentaboutwhat is safe andwhatisn t CAUTION A Drinking anddri...

Page 199: ...Is thereastraightpathupor downthehill so youwon thave to make turningmaneuvers Arethereobstructionsonthehillthancanblockyourpath boulders trees logs or ruts What sbeyondthehill Is thereacliff anemban...

Page 200: ...own and stay alert Q Whatshould I do if my vehiclestalls or is about to stall and I can t makeit up the hill A If thishappens therearesomethingsyoushoulddo andtherearesome thingsyoumustnotdo First her...

Page 201: ...transmissioninfirstgear andturnofftheengine Leavethevehicleandgo getsomehelp Exitontheuphillsideandstayclearofthepaththevehicle wouldtake if itrolleddownhill Do notshiftthetransfercase to N Neutral w...

Page 202: ...n a hill A Yes Theseareimportantbecause if youignorethem you couldlose controlandhaveaseriousaccident Whendrivingdownhill avoidturnsthattakeyouacrosstheinclineofthe hill A hillthat snottoosteep to dri...

Page 203: ...deways it canhitsomethingthat will trip it arock arut etc androllover Hiddenobstaclescanmakethesteepnessoftheinclineevenworse If youdriveacrossarockwiththeuphillwheels or if thedownhillwheels dropinto...

Page 204: ...d across an incline is dangerous If the vehicle roils over you could be crushed or killed Always getout on the uphill high side of the vehicle and stay well clear of the rollover path Driving In Mud S...

Page 205: ...pecialoff roaddrivingproblems Butheavyraincan meanflashflooding andfloodwatersdemandextremecaution Findout howdeepthewater is beforeyoudrivethroughit If it sdeep enough to coveryourwheelhubs axles or...

Page 206: ...edue to offroad use Refer to theMaintenanceScheduleforadditionalinformation Driving at Night Nightdriving is moredangerousthandaydriving Onereason is thatsome driversarelikely to be impaired by alcoho...

Page 207: ...rvicearea Youcan betemporarilyblindedbyapproachinglights It cantakeasecond ortwo orevenseveralseconds foryoureyestoreadjust to thedark When youarefacedwithsevereglare asfromadriverwhodoesn tlowerthehi...

Page 208: ...atyourheadlightslightupfarlessofaroadwaywhenyouare in aturnorcurve Keepyoureyesmoving thatway it seasiertopickoutdimlylightedobjects Justasyourheadlightsshouldbecheckedregularlyforproperaim so should...

Page 209: ...Driving too fastthroughlargewaterpuddles or evengoingthroughsomecar washescancauseproblems too Thewatermayaffectyourbrakes Try to avoidpuddles Butifyoucan t try to slowdownbeforeyou hit them Wet brak...

Page 210: ...en in daytime if it sraininghard Besidesslowingdown allowsomeextrafollowingdistance Andbe especiallycarefulwhenyoupassanothervehicle Allowyourselfmore clearroomahead andbeprepared to haveyourviewrestr...

Page 211: ...rwindshieldwipersandwasher to helpclearaccumulatedroaddirt Slow downcarefully Tips on Driving in Fog If yougetcaught in fog turnyourheadlightsonlowbeam evenindaytime You llsee andbeseen better Useyour...

Page 212: ...emswithcitystreets is theamount of trafficon them You llwant to watchoutforwhattheotherdriversaredoing andpay attentiontotrafficsignals Hereareways to increaseyoursafetyincitydriving Knowthebestway to...

Page 213: ...o theright Driveatthesamespeedmostofthe otherdriversare driving Too fastortoo slowdrivingbreaksasmoothtrafficflow Treattheleft laneonafreewayasapassinglane Entering the Freeway At theentrancethere is...

Page 214: ...wareasonable followingdistance Expecttomoveslightlysloweratnight Leaving the Freeway Whenyouwanttoleavethefreeway move to theproperlanewell in advance Dashingacrosslanesatthelastmi nute is dangerous I...

Page 215: ...rviceexpertsinyour vehicle s dealershipsallacrossNorthAmerica They llbereadyandwilling to help if youneed it Herearesomethingsyoucancheckbefore a trip WindshieldWasherFluid Is thereservoirfull Areallw...

Page 216: ...stthevehiclethatcanmakeyousleepy Don t let it happentoyou If it does yourvehiclecanleavetheroadin less than a second andyoucouldcrashandbeinjured Whatcanyoudoabouthighwayhypnosis First beawarethat it...

Page 217: ...he brakes tires coolingsystemandtransmission Thesepartscanwork hard on mountainroads Knowhow to godownhills Themostimportantthing to know is this let yourenginedosome of theslowingdown Don tmakeyourbr...

Page 218: ...tswingwide or cutacrossthecenter of theroad Drive atspeedsthatletyoustayinyourownlane Thatway youwon tbe surprisedbyavehiclecomingtowardyouinthesamelane It takeslonger to passanothervehiclewhenyou reg...

Page 219: ...orpull offs orparkingareasprovidedforscenicviewing Anotherpartofthismanualtellshow to useyourparkingbrake see Parking Brake intheIndex Butonamountainor steep hill youcan do onemore thing Youcanturnyou...

Page 220: ...there is a curb A gentle contact is all you need Parking Uphill AM4t0014 I f there is a curb turnyourwheels to theleft ifthecurb is at therightside o f your vehicle If you re going uphill on aone ways...

Page 221: ...muchforceonthe parkingpawl in thetransmission You mayfind it difficult to pulltheshiftlever outof P Park This iscalledtorquelock Topreventtorquelock alwaysbe sure to shiftinto P Park before you leavet...

Page 222: ice scraper asmallbrushor broom asupplyofwindshield washerfluid arag somewinterouterclothing asmallshovel a flashlight a redcloth and a coupleofreflective warning triangles And if you will be drivi...

Page 223: ...thetiresevenmore Yourantilockbrakesimproveyourability to makeahardstoponaslippery road Eventhoughyouhavetheantilockbrakingsystem you llwant to begin stoppingsoonerthanyouwouldondrypavement See Antilo...

Page 224: makebodyinsulatorsfrom newspapers burlapbags rags floor mats anythingyoucanwraparound yourself or tuckunderyourclothingtokeepwarm Youcanruntheengine to keepwarm butbecareful A Snow can trap...

Page 225: ...urheadlights Lettheheater runforawhile Then shuttheengine off andclosethewindowalmostallthe way to preservetheheat Starttheengineagainandrepeatthisonlywhen youfeelreallyuncomfortablefromthecold But do...

Page 226: ...westgear 1stgear 3 Firmly attachthevehiclebeingtowed to thetowvehicle Refer tothe hitch manufacturer sinstructions 4 Placethetransfercaseshiftlever in N Neutral CAUTION I Shifting the transfer case to...

Page 227: ...eaviertrailers Buttrailering is different thanjustdrivingyourvehiclebyitself Traileringmeanschanges in handling durability andfueleconomy Successful safetraileringtakescorrect equipment and it has to...

Page 228: ...canalso dependonanyspecialequipmentthatyouhave on yourvehicle Youcan askyourdealerforourtraileringinformation or advice oryou can write us at theaddresslisted in yourWarrantyandOwnerAssistanceInforma...

Page 229: ...e Tire Loading intheIndex Thenbesureyoudon tgooverthe GVW limit for yourvehicle Hitches It s important to havethecorrecthitchequipment Crosswinds largetrucks goingby androughroadsareafewreasonswhyyou...

Page 230: ...he instructions for thetrailerbrakestoinstall adjust and maintainthemproperly And Don ttapintoyourvehicle sbrakesystem if thetrailer sbrakesystem will usemorethan 0 02 cubicinch 0 3 of fluidfromyourve...

Page 231: ...or mother opening drive with yourfront mainheating or coolingsystem on and with thefan on any speed This will bring fresh outside air into your vehicle D o not use MAX N C because it only recirciilate...

Page 232: ...umighthave to useyourbrakes so muchthattheywouldgethotand nolonger workwell On a longuphillgrade shiftdownandreduceyourspeed to around 45 mph 70 kmlh to reducethe possibility of engineandtransmissiono...

Page 233: ...enTrailer Towing Yourvehicle will needservicemoreoftenwhenyou repullingatrailer See theMaintenanceScheduleformoreonthis Thingsthatareespecially important in traileroperationareautomatictransmissionflu...

Page 234: ...railerWiringHarness intheIndex Power Winches If you wish tousea power winch on your vehicle only use it when your vehicle is stationary or anchored I NOTICE Usetheregularbrakes settheparkingbrakeor bl...

Page 235: ...utsome problems that canoccur on the road Hazard Warning Flashers 5 2 Other Warning Devices 5 3 Jump Starting 5 3 TowingYour Vehicle 5 7 Engine Overheating 5 9 If a Tire Goes Flat 5 15 Changing a Flat...

Page 236: ...lso letpoliceknow you have a problem Yourfrontandrearturnsignallightswill flash on and off Butthey won t flash if you rebraking K2503 Press thebuttonintomake your frontandrearturnsignallightsflash on...

Page 237: ...ouseanothervehicleandsome jumpercables to start yourvehicle Butplease follow thestepsbelowtodo it safely Batteries can hurt you They can be dangerous because A They contain acid that canburn you They...

Page 238: ...othbatteries And it couldsaveyourradio NUI Ibt Using a match near a battery can cause battery gas to explode People have been hurt doing this and some have bean blinded Use a flashlight i f you needmo...

Page 239: ...tepositive t terminal if the vehiclehas one Dead Battery t PO268 7 Don tlettheotherendtouchmetal Connect it to thepositive t terminal of thegoodbattery Usearemotepositive t terminal if the vehiclehaso...

Page 240: ...ntheengine for awhile 11 Try to startthevehiclewiththedeadbattery If it won t start after a fewtries it probably needs service REMOVE CABLES IN THIS ORDER J K1508 12 Removethecablesinreverseorder to p...

Page 241: ...tyourvehiclehasrear wheeldrive orthatithasthefour wheeldrive Themake model andyearofyourvehicle Whetheryoucanmovetheshiftleverforthetransmissionandshiftthe If therewasanaccident whatwasdamaged option...

Page 242: ...fercase eithermanualshift or electronicshift if you haveone shouldbe in 2 WHEEL two wheeldrive Theparkingbrake shouldbereleased Don thaveyourvehicletowedontherear drive wheels unlessyouhaveto I f the...

Page 243: ...away from the engine if you see or hear steam corning from it Just turn it off and geteveryoneaway from the vehicle uniil it coots down Wait untii them is no sign of steam or coolant before opening t...

Page 244: ...enthe windowasnecessary 3 If you re in atrafficjam shift to N Neutral If younolongerhavetheoverheatwarning youcandrive Just to besafe driveslower for abouttenminutes I f thewarningdoesn tcomebackon yo...

Page 245: ...radiator or waterpump or somewhereelse in thecoolingsystem pCAI IfInN Heater and radiator hoses and other engineparts can be very hot Don t touch them If you do you can be burned Don t run the engine...

Page 246: ...k startyourvehicle I f theoverheatwarningcontinues there sonemorethingyoucan try You can add thepropercoolantmixdirectly to theradiator but be sure the coolingsystemis cool beforeyou do it ASteam and...

Page 247: ...urecapandupperradiatorhose is nolonger hot Turnthepressurecapslowly to theleftuntil it first stops Don t press downwhileturningthepressurecap If youhear a hiss wait for that to stop A hiss means there...

Page 248: ...cap backonthecoolantrecoverytank butleavetheradiator pressurecap off KO720 6 Starttheengineandlet it run until you canfeeltheupperradiatorhose gettinghot Watch out fortheengine fan 7 By thistime theco...

Page 249: ...g or makingextrashifts Itismerelythe coolingsystemfunctioningproperly Thefan will slow downwhenadditional cooling is notrequiredandtheclutchdisengages Youmayalsohearthisfannoisewhenyoustarttheengine I...

Page 250: ...urhazardwarning flashers CAUTION I Changing a tire can cause an injury The vehicle can slip off the jack and roll over you or other people You and they couldbebadly injured Find a tevel place to chang...

Page 251: ...hangeatire Theequipmentyou llneed is inyourvehicle srearareaalongtheleftwall Yoursparetire is inyourvehicle sreararea eithermounted to theleftwall thefloororthetailgate In somecases youmayhave to remo...

Page 252: ...i KO761...

Page 253: ...eyourjackcoverontwo doormodels turn the plasticwingnut to theleftuntil you canpull it out Removethejackcover To removeyourjackcoveronfour doormodels pull uponthelatchand removethejackcover To removeth...

Page 254: ...Spare Tire KO724 Yourspare tire is in yourvehicle sreararea eithermounted to theleftwall thefloor orthetailgate If youhave a left wall orfloor mountedsparetire thetiremustberemoved in ordertohaveacce...

Page 255: ...oyourtire scoverandunscrewthewingnutatthecenter of the wheel Remove it andtheretainer Then unhookthetirefromthemounting bracketandremovethecover To Remove the Tailgate Mounted Spare Tire Makesurethatt...

Page 256: ...en liftthetire off itsmountingbracket Changing the Tire Startwiththejack wheelwrench and wheel blocks Rotatethejackhandleclockwise totheright That will raisethejacklifthead alittle I J KO503 Beforeyou...

Page 257: ...elnutcaps Yourwheelnutcapsmayattachyourhubcaptothewheel Removethese wheelnutcapsbeforeyoutake off thehubcap I f youhavejustanaluminumorplasticmoldedhubcap pry it off withthe chiselend of yourwheelwren...

Page 258: ...ourvehiclehasaholeintheframeneareachfrontwheel and a hale in the springhangernear each rearwheel for the iackt Fit the jack irito the holenearest the flattire I CAUTION I Getting under a vehicle when...

Page 259: ...Raisethevehicle by rotatingthejackhandleclockwise Raisethevehiclefar enough off theground so there is enough room forthesparetire to fit I 7 L 1 1 PO171 Remove all thewheelnutsandtake off theflattire...

Page 260: a wheel remove any rust or dirt from the places where the wheel attaches to the vehicle In an emergency you can use a cloth or a paper towet to do this but be scare to use a scraper or wire brush l...

Page 261: ...KO755 Replacethewheelnuts with theroundedend of thenutstowardthewheel Tighteneachnut by handuntilthewheel is heldagainstthehub KO757 Lowerthevehiclebyrotatingthejackhandlecounterclockwise Lowerthejac...

Page 262: ...nt Be sure to use the cormct wheel nuts lf you have to replace them be sure to getthe right kind Stop somewhere as soon as you can and havethe nuts tightened with a torque wrench tu 95 ft Ibs 130 N m...

Page 263: ...e in theproper place Ifyouhaveafloor mountedspare tire andit has an aluminumwheel place the hook inthefloorringbeforeplacingitthroughthewheel If youhaveatailgate mountedsparetirecarrier tightenthe nut...

Page 264: ...possible Don t spin the wheals above 35 mph 55k W as shown on the speedometer Rocking Your Vehicle To Get It Out First turnyoursteeringwheelleftandright That will cleartheareaaround yourfrontwheels T...

Page 265: ...urvehicle You mayneed to usethem if you restuckoff roadandneed to bepulled to someplacewhereyoucancontinuedriving I CAUTION aThe recovery hooks when used are under a lot of force Always pull the vehic...

Page 266: ...Problems on fhe Road I K3589 NOTJCE I 5 32...

Page 267: ...icalinformationaboutyour vehicle andasectiondevoted to itsappearancecare Service 6 3 Fuel 6 4 Checking Things Under the Hood 6 7 Engine Oil 6 9 Air Cleaner 6 14 Automatic Transmission Fluid 6 16 Manua...

Page 268: ...ttery 6 31 Vehicle Storage 6 31 Bulb Replacement 6 31 Other Maintenance Items 6 34 Loading Your Vehicle 6 37 Tires 6 40 Appearance Care 6 47 Vehicle Identification Number VIN 6 54 Service Parts Identi...

Page 269: ...vehiclethanthismanualcan To ordertheproperservice manual see ServicePublications in theIndex You shouldkeeparecordwithallpartsreceiptsandlistthemileageand date of anyservice work youperform See Mainte...

Page 270: ...whenoperatingwithalightloadasanormal condition youmayusemiddlegrade or regularunleadedgasolines ThegasolineyouuseshouldmeetspecificationsASTM D4814 inthe US andCGSB 3 5 92in Canada Thesefuelsshouldhav...

Page 271: ...reventdepositsfrom forming in yourengineandfuelsystem Thathelpskeepyourengine in tune andyouremissioncontrolsystemworkingproperly It s goodforyourvehicle andyou llbedoingyourpartforcleanerair Manygaso...

Page 272: ...rsthatwouldn tbecoveredbyyourwarranty To check on fuelavailability askanautoclub or contact a majoroil companythatdoesbusiness in thecountrywhereyou llbedriving You can also write us atthefollowingadd...

Page 273: ...hindahingeddoor on theleftside ofyourvehicle To take off thecap turn it slowlytotheleft counterclockwise When you putthecapbackon turn it totheright until youhear a clicking noise Checking Things Unde...

Page 274: ...go tothefront of thevehicleandrelease thesecondaryhoodrelease Liftthehood releasethe hood prop from its retainerandputthehoodpropintothe slot in thehood You may have a lightthatcomesonwhenyoulifttheho...

Page 275: ...b A 1 I ri i KO608 Engine Oil It sa good idea to checkyourengine oil leveleverytimeyougetfuel In order to get an accuratereading the oil mustbewarmandthevehicle must beonlevelground I KO609 Turn off...

Page 276: ...lower When to Add Oil If the oil is at or belowthe ADD line thenyou llneed to addsomeoil Butyoumustusetherightkind Thissectionexplainswhat kind of oil to use For crankcasecapacity see CapacitiesandSp...

Page 277: Use Lookfor threethings SG SG must be on the oil container either by itself or combinedwith otherqualitydesignations such as SGICC SGICD SF SG CC etc TheselettersshowAmericanPetroleumInstitute API...

Page 278: ...EGREES F 4 DEGREES C DO NOT USE SAE 1OW 40 SA 2OW 50 OR ANY OTHER GRADE OIL NOT RECOMMENDEO PO344 SAE 5W 30 Asshown inthischart SAE 5W 30 is bestforyourvehicle However youcanuseSAE 1OW 30 if it sgoing...

Page 279: at low speedmostofthetime as indoor to doordelivery You tow a traileroften or in stop and gotraffic Mosttripsarethroughdustyplaces Thevehicle is frequentlyoperatedoff road If any one ofthese is tru...

Page 280: ...sposal Don tever disposeof oil byputting it in thetrash pouring it ontheground intosewers orintostreams orbodiesofwater Instead recycle it bytaking it to a place thatcollectsused oil If youhave a prob...

Page 281: ...eis properlyseated in thelefthandvalve cover RefertotheMaintenanceScheduletodeterminewhen to replacetheair cleanerfilter See ScheduledMaintenanceServices intheIndex AOperating the engine with the airc...

Page 282: ...ighspeedforquite a while 0 In heavytraffic especially in hot weather Whilepullingatrailer To gettherightreading thefluidmustbeatnormaloperatingtemperature whichis180 F to 200 F 82 C to 93 C To check t...

Page 283: ...pausing for aboutthreeseconds in eachrange Then positiontheshiftlever in P Park Lettheenginerunatidle for threeminutes or more Then withoutshutting off theengine followthesesteps PO164 1 Flipthehandl...

Page 284: ...dLubricants in theIndex If thefluidlevel is low addonlyenoughoftheproper fluidtobringthelevel up tothe COLD area for a coldcheckorthe HOT areafor a hotcheck It doesn ttakemuchfluid generallylessthan a...

Page 285: ...ure to followalltheinstructionshere or you could getafalsereading I 1 NOTICE Checkthe fluid Ievei ohly when your engine is off thevehicle is parked on a levelplaceandthetransmission i s cool enoughfor...

Page 286: ...e Hydraulic Clutch The hydraulicclutch in yourvehicleisself adjusting A slightamountofplay 1 4 6 mm 1 2 inch 13 mm inthepedalisnormal When to Check and What to Use A A PO257 Refer to theMaintenanceSch...

Page 287: ...Add enoughlubricanttoraisetheleveltothebottomofthe fillerplughole What to Use RefertotheMaintenanceScheduletodeterminewhatkindoflubricantto use See RecommendedFluidsandLubricants intheIndex Four Wheel...

Page 288: ...raisetheleveltothebottom of the fillerplughole What to Use RefertotheMaintenanceSchedule to determinewhatkindoflubricantto use See RecommendedFluidsandLubricants in theIndex Front Axle When to Check a...

Page 289: ...dule to determinewhatkind of lubricantto use See RecommendedFluidsandLubricants intheIndex Engine Coolant Thefollowing explains your coolingsystemandhow to addcoolantwhenitis low If youhaveaproblemwit...

Page 290: ...r coolant mix wilt Your vehicle s coolant warning system is set for theproper coolant mix With plain water or the wrong mix yout engine could get too hot but you wouldn t gat the overheat warning Your...

Page 291: ...shouldbeat ADD or a tittlehigher Whenyourengine is warm thelevelshouldbe up to FULL HOT or a little higher To Add Coofant If you needmorecoolant addthepropermix atthe coolant riecovi rytank CAUTION I...

Page 292: ...ServiceReplacementPartandFilterRecommendations in theIndex Thermostat Enginecoolanttemperature is controlled by athermostat in theenginecoolant system Thethermostatstopsthe flow of coolantthroughthera...

Page 293: ...luid withacleanrag Replacethecap thecapagainandlook at thefluid Whentheenginecompartment is hot thelevelshouldbeatthe HOT When theenginecompartment is cool the level shouldbeatthe FULL mark COLD mark...

Page 294: ...Service Aearance Cam Windshield Washer Fluid To Add Openthecaplabeled WASHER FLUID ONLY Addwasherfluiduntil the bottle is full 6 28...

Page 295: ...ell orwon tworkatall So itisn tagoodidea to top off yourbrakefluid Addingbrakefluidwon t correctaleak If youaddfluidwhenyourliningsareworn thenyou llhave too muchfluidwhenyou get newbrakelinings Yoush...

Page 296: ...s tohavereallygood braking Vehicleswedesignandtesthavetop quality GM brakepartsin them asyourvehicle does whenit is new Whenyoureplacepartsofyour braking system forexample whenyourbrakeliningsweardown...

Page 297: ...attery Thiswillhelpkeepyourbattery fromrunningdown Vehicle Storage CAUTION Contactyourdealer to learn how to prepareyourvehicleforlongerstorage periods Formoreinformation contactyourdealer sservicedep...

Page 298: ...dlightretainer 2 Pull theheadlightoutandremovetheretainer 3 Unplugtheheadlight 4 Plug inthenewbulbandput it inplace 5 installtheretainer to theheadlight 6 Installthescrews Front Parkinflurn Signal I i...

Page 299: ...e Rear Lights 1 Openthetailgate 2 Removethescrewsfromthelightassembly 3 Pulltheassemblyawayfromthefender 4 Turnthesocketcounterclockwise to removeit If thesockethasatab pushthetabinwhile you turntheso...

Page 300: ...ndwhattypeoflubricant to use Fronf Wheel Bearings Two Wheel Drive If yourvehicle istwo wheeldrive it haswheelbearingsthatmustbecleaned andrepacked RefertotheMaintenanceSchedule to determinehowoftenthi...

Page 301: ...hinkthesystem is not workingproperly haveyourdealershipcheck it outassoonaspossible Theairconditioning will notworkwhenthetemperatureisbelow 40 F 4 C Accelerator Control System RefertotheMaintenanceSc...

Page 302: ...dwitharubberlubricant Neveruse too muchofanylubricantandbesure to wipeupanyextra lubricantwhenyouarefinished Windowregulatorsandcontrolsareinsidethe doors Theyarelubricatedwith alonglastinggrease If l...

Page 303: ...cconverter andother enginecomponents The MalfunctionIndicator SERVICEENGINESOON lamp on your instrumentpanellets youknowwhenyouremissionsystemneedsservice Thelightwillcomeonbrieflywhenyoustartyourengi...

Page 304: ...yourvehicle or theGrossAxleWeightRating GAWR for eitherthefront or rearaxle And if you do haveaheavyload youshouldspread it out Do not load your vehicle any heavier than the GVWR or the maximum front...

Page 305: ...rtification Tirelabel Thisisthe maximumloadcapacitythatyourvehiclecancarry Besure to includethe weightofthepeopleinsideaspartofyourload If youaddedany accessoriesorequipmentafteryourvehicleleftthefact...

Page 306: ...eyourvehicle Besure to weighyourvehiclebefore youbuyandinstallthenewequipment NOTICE rims We don t maketires Yournewvehiclecomeswithhighqualitytiresmadeby aleadingtiremanufacturer Thesetiresarewarrant...

Page 307: ...I 6 41...

Page 308: ...makeyourtireslastlonger havetheminspectedandrotatedatthe mileagesrecommended in theMaintenanceSchedule SeeScheduled MaintenanceServices in theIndex 3 K2655 J If yourvehiclehasfronttireswithdifferentlo...

Page 309: ...only2 32inch 1 6 mm or lessoftreadremaining You needa new tire if Youcanseetheindicatorsatthreeplacesaroundthetire You canseecord or fabricshowingthroughthetire srubber Thetreadorsidewalliscracked cut...

Page 310: ...dle properly and you couldhave a crash Be sure to use the same size and type fires on all four wheels Uniform TireQuality Grading ThefollowinginformationrelatestothesystemdevelopedbytheUnited StatesNa...

Page 311: ...allsofpassengercartires Whilethetiresavailableasstandard or optionalequipmentonGeneralMotors vehiclesmayvarywithrespect to thesegrades all suchtiresmeetGeneral Motors performancestandardsandhavebeenap...

Page 312: ...the braking and handling of your vehicle make your tires lose air andmake you lose control You could have a coltision in which you or others could be injured Always use the correct wheel wheel bolts...

Page 313: ...closed space When you use anything in a container to clean your vehicte be sureto follow the instructions And always open your doors or windows when you re cleaningthe inside Never use these to ctean...

Page 314: ...ften A soft brushmaybeused if stainsarestubborn Usesolvent typecleaners in awellventilatedareaonly If youusethem don tsaturatethestainedarea If aringformsafterspotcleaning cleantheentireareaimmediatel...

Page 315: ...cloth When you cleanastainfromfabric immediately dry theareawithanair hose hairdryer orheatlamptohelppreventacleaningring See previousNOTICE Special Cleaning Problems Greasy or OilyStains Likegrease...

Page 316: ...ment Panel Useonlymildsoapandwater to cleanthetopsurfaces of theinstrument panel Sprayscontainingsiliconesorwaxesmaycauseannoyingreflections in thewindshieldandevenmakeitdifficult to seethroughthewind...

Page 317: ...Don tusestrongsoaps orchemicaldetergents Useliquidhandordish or carwashing non detergent soaps Don tusecleaningagentsthatcontainacidor abrasives All cleaningagentsshouldbeflushedpromptlyandnotallowed...

Page 318: ...Material Calciumchlorideandothersalts icemeltingagents roadoilandtar tree sap bird droppings chemicalsfromindustrialchimneys and otherforeign mattercandamageyourvehicle sfinish if theyremain on painte...

Page 319: ...oz Cleansvinylandclothon door trim Multi Purpose 6 Ibs 1050429 GlasscleaningandspotcleaningGlassCleaner 23 oz 1050427 SpotandstainremovalonclothFabricCleaner16 02 1050244 Spotandstainremovalonleather...

Page 320: ...iver sside You cansee it if you look throughthewindshield from outsideyourvehicle TheVINalsoappears ontheVehicleCertificationandServicePartslabelsandthecertificatesof titleandregistration Engine Ident...

Page 321: ...4 4 CUI 4 7 P I I 5 PO172 6 55...

Page 322: ...aint information A list of allproductionoptionsandspecialequipment Be surethatthislabel is not removedfromthevehicle Add on Electrical Equipment NOTICE I Fuses and Circuit Breaksrs The wiring circuits...

Page 323: ...snow etc besure to get it fixed Power Windows and Other Power Options Circuitbreakers in thefusepanelprotectthepowerwindowsandotherpower accessories Whenthecurrentload is too heavy thecircuitbreakerop...

Page 324: ...onavailableatthetime of printing andaresubject to change I f a partlisted in thismanualisnotthesameasthepartused in yourvehicle when it wasbuilt or if youhaveanyquestions pleasecontactyour GM truck de...

Page 325: ...CrankcaseCapacity Fuel Tank Capacity Lamp and Bulb Data Lam And Bulb Data I Ash Trav Lamr I 1 I 1 I 161 6 59...

Page 326: ...dicato Utility 1 2 PC1 94 Models Brake System Warning Indicator 1 Brake System Warning lndicato 1 2 Check Gages dicator Daytime Running Lights Indicator 1 7 Daytime Running Lights lndicato 1 2 Chargin...

Page 327: ...2C CR43TS GF481 RC36 I Usecopper coredresistortypesparkplugs TO272I Air Conditioning Refrigerant Capacity TYPE SYSTEM QUANTITY R 12 C 60 2 50 Ibs 1 134 kg All QuantitiesAreApproximate TO365 Air Condit...

Page 328: ...Service Appearance Care PO356 6 62...

Page 329: ...Relay CruiseControl FourWheelDrive IndicatorLight RearDefoggerTimer Seat Belt Timer EngineControlModule StopLights HazardWarningLights Chime Module LightSwitch TailIParkLights DigitalCluster LicenseL...

Page 330: ...I...

Page 331: The Proper Maintenance Schedule 7 3 Maintenance Schedule I 7 5 Maintenance Schedule II 7 7 Explanation of Scheduled Maintenance Services 7 8 Owner Checks and Services I 7 11 At Least Once a Month...

Page 332: ...ropervehiclemaintenanceortheremovalof importantcomponentscansignificantlyaffectthequality of the airwebreathe Improperfluidlevels or eventhewrongtireinflationcanincreasethelevel of emissionsfromyourve...

Page 333: ...See Off RoadDriving With Your Four wheel DriveVehicle in theIndex usetheproperfuel See Fuel in theIndex Selecting The Proper Maintenance Schedule Your drivingconditions and howyouuseyourvehicle will...

Page 334: ...ry 12 Months or ClutchForkBallStudLubrication 4 3L enginesonly CoolingSystemService Every 24 Months or t t Air CleanerFilterReplacement FrontWheelBearingRepack 2WD TransmissionService Only FuelFilterR...

Page 335: ...MAINTENANCESCHEDULE I 60 t t t t t t t t 7 5...

Page 336: ...v12Months or ChassisLubrication Every 12 Months or I I Clutch Fork Ball StudLubrication 4 3L Months or AirCleanerFilterReplacement FrontWheelBearingRepack 2WD Transmission Service FuelFilterReplacemen...


Page 338: ...icles without hydraulicclutches lubricatetheclutchcrossshaftevery 30 000miles 50 000 km Balljointsshouldnotbelubricatedunlesstheirtemperatureis 10 F 12 orhigher When the weather iscold letthemwarmupbe...

Page 339: ...ilterevery30 000miles 50 000 km See Automatic TransmissionFluid in theIndexformoreinformation ManualTransmission Transmissionfluiddoesnotrequireperiodic changing 8 FUELFILTERREPLACEMENT Replacethefuel...

Page 340: ...sequentoilchanges Industy areas or trailertowingapplications drainfluid atevery 15 000 miles 24 135 kilometers and refill t Standarddifferential Checkfluidlevelandaddasneededat every oilchange In dust...

Page 341: ...eylockcylinderswithoneofthe lubricantsrecommended in thisSection Transmissionneutral or clutchstartswitchoperation AWhen you are doingthis check thevehicle could movesuddenly If it does you or othersc...

Page 342: ...hiclefacingdownhill Keepingyourfoot ontheregularbrake setthemanualparkingbrake To checktheparkingbrake With theenginerunningandthe transmissionin N Neutral slowlyremovefootpressurefromtheregular brake...

Page 343: ...ompulley Do notoilanyaccelerator or cruisecontrol cables Replaceanycablesthathavehigheffort or excessivewear ExhaustSystemInspection Inspectthecompletesystem Inspectthebody neartheexhaustsystem Lookfo...

Page 344: ...ingGear GM Lubricant GMPartNo 1052182 orequivalent Automatic Transmission DEXRONBIIE Automatic Transmission Fluid GM Part No ManualTransmission DOT 3 CatagoryLBorGC LB GMPart No 1052497 equivalentconf...

Page 345: ...GM Part No 1051344 Chassislubricantmeetingrequirements of NLGlGrade2 CatagoryLBorGC LB GMPart No 1052497 Engine oil GMPartNo 1052497 IKeyLockCylinders I IChassis Lubrication I GM Multi Purposelubrican...

Page 346: ...rvices is performed recordthedate odometerreading servicesperformed list itemnumbers and whoperformed theservicesin thi appropriatecolumn in addition retain copies of yourreceipts It issuggestedthatre...

Page 347: ...ttendant to performthese under hoodchecksateachfuel fill Checktheengineoillevelandadd i f necessary Checktheenginecoolantlevelandadd if necessary Checkthewindshieldwasherfluidlevelandadd if necessary...

Page 348: ...Scheduled Maintenance Services See Page 6 1 L 7 1 8...

Page 349: ...otellsyouhow to obtainservicepublicationsandhow to reportanysafetydefects Customer Satisfaction Procedure 8 2 CustomerAssistance for HearingKpeech Impaired 8 3 GM ParticipationinBetterBusinessBureauMe...

Page 350: ...0 462 8782 InCanada contactthe GM ofCanada CustomerAssistanceCenter in Oshawabycalling 1 800 263 3777 English or In Mexico call 525 254 3777 InPuertoRico or US VirginIslands call 1 809 763 1315 In all...

Page 351: ...rsreservestheright to changeeligibilitylimitationsandlor to discontinue its participationinthisprogram OurexperiencehasshownthattheCustomerSatisfactionProcedure describedearlierinthissectionhasbeenver...

Page 352: ...ipals of fairnessandequity anc arenotrequiredtoduplicatethefunctionsofcourtsbystrictlyapplyingstate or federallaw If youwishtogo to court however we do notrequirethat youfirstfileaclaimwithBBBAUTO LIN...

Page 353: ...h or1 800 263 7854 French Or write General MotorsofCanadaLimited CustomerAssistanceCenter 1908 ColonelSam Drive Oshawa OntarioL1H8P7 Roadside Assistance GMCTruck sRoadsideAssistanceprovidesstrandedown...

Page 354: ...heycanhelp a technicianserviceyourvehiclebetter Most bulletinsapply to conditionsaffectingasmallnumberoftrucks Your GMC Truckdealeror a qualifiedtechnicianmayhave to determine if a specificbulletinapp...

Page 355: ...ply to themostrecentGMCTruckmodels w i l l be listed in themostrecent publicationforthatmodelyear Thismeansyoumaywant to waituntilthe end of themodelyearbeforeorderinganindex ifyouareinterested in buy...

Page 356: ...ntfortechnicians Theyarenotmeantforthe do it yourselfer Technicianshavetheequipment tools safetyinstructions andknow how to doa job quicklyandsafely GMCTruckreservestheright to chanaetheseprocedureswi...

Page 357: ......

Page 358: ...whicv includes all of these publications Ask for form number 15689273 ii costs 14 00 SERVICE MANUALS FOR ALL LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS Includes Fuel and Emissions Manual X 9336 Model Form Number Price 1993 Ct...

Page 359: ...CI szg m u Q u I I 13 C I I I e...

Page 360: ...i...

Page 361: ...tteDeckand Equalizer 3 1 7 Anti Theft Feature CD System 3 24 CassetteTapePlayerCare 3 20 Compact Disc Care 3 26 Automatic Transmission 2 20 Fluid 6 16 Axle Front 6 22 Rear 6 21 Rear Locking 2 24 B Bat...

Page 362: ...2 48 Resume 2 47 Set 2 46 T o GetOut Of 2 49 CustomerAssistanceforthe HearingorSpeechImpaired 8 3 CustomerSatisfactionProcedure 8 2 Instrument Panel Top 6 50 D DaytimeRunningLights Canada Only 2 58 I...

Page 363: ...7 14 Transfer Case 6 21 Windshield Washer 6 28 Fluid Fog Lamps 2 51 Four wheel Drive 2 31 6 21 Transfer Case 2 32 2 33 6 21 Front Axle 6 22 Fuel 6 4 Foreign Countries 6 6 Gage 2 82 GasolinesforCleane...

Page 364: ...2 77 6 37 Charging System Light 2 79 Fog Lamps 2 51 Operation 2 40 Overhead Console Reading 2 54 ServiceEngineSoon 2 77 6 37 Rear 6 33 Replacement Chart 6 591 Loading Information 4 24 6 37 Loading Yo...

Page 365: ...8 Reporting Safety Defects 8 4 Steering 4 17 Road Signs 4 2 Roadside Assistance 8 5 Rocking Your Vehicle 5 30 S SafetyBelts 1 10 CenterPassengerPosition 1 24 Cleaning 6 50 Checking RestraintSystem 1 4...

Page 366: ...37 New 6 43 Pressure 6 41 Spare See SpareTire ChangingaFlat 5 1 6 5 22 WheelNutCaps 5 23 UniformTireQualityGrading 6 44 Torque Lock 4 49 Towing A Trailer 4 55 FollowingDistance 4 59 Hitches 4 57 Maint...

Page 367: ...t Caps 5 23 Aluminum 6 52 Nut Torque 6 58 Replacement 6 45 Used Replacement 6 46 Windows 2 35 Sliding Rear Quarter 2 36 Windshield Washer 2 43 Rear Washer 2 44 WasherFluid 6 28 Wipers Windshield 2 41...

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