JL Audio M770-CCS Owner'S Manual Download Page 1

Thank you for choosing a JL Audio Marine  Compone nt Syste m.  

With prope r installation, your ne w spe ake rs will de live r  

ye ars of liste ning ple asure .

We  strongly re comme nd that you have  your ne w marine  spe ake rs  

installe d by your authorize d JL Audio de ale r.  

The  installation profe ssionals e mploye d by your de ale r have   

the  ne ce ssar y tools and e xpe rie nce  to prope rly install your ne w spe ake rs.   

If you pre fe r to pe r form your own installation,  

ple ase  re ad this instruc tion manual comple te ly be fore   

be ginning the  proce ss.


7.70-inch (196 mm) Cockpit & Tower Component Systems

M7 7 0 -CCS / M7 7 0 -T CS

Summary of Contents for M770-CCS

Page 1: ...ke rs installed by your authorized JL Audio deale r The installation professionals e mployed by your deale r have the necessary tools and expe rie nce to prope rly install your ne w speake rs If you p...

Page 2: ...E 6 25 i n 159 mm Woofer Mounting Depth F 3 15 i n 80 mm Notes Fr ontalgr i l l e pr otr usi on measur ed f r om mounti ng surf ace Tweeter Phys ic al Spec ific ations Flus h Mount Fixture Diameter A...

Page 3: ...ui d cool ed and damped Fl ush orsurf ace mountcapabi l i ty UV r esi stantpol ymerhousi ngs Cr ossoverNetworks Tr ue 2 way networ kswi th 1stor derl ow passand 2nd or derhi gh passci r cui ts Pol ysw...

Page 4: ...secondsand the pr ot ecti on ci r cui twi l lr eseti tsel faut omati cal l y SPEAKER PL ACEMENT CONSIDERATIONS A componentsyst em gi vesyou the abi l i ty t o pl ace the woof erand tweet ersepar at el...

Page 5: ......

Page 6: ...See Wi ri ng Di agram on page 4 INSTAL L ING THE SPEAKERS Oncethemounting locationshavebeen establ i shed r un speakercabl esf r om the ampl i f i er outputst o the mounti ng l ocati ons I fyou ar e r...

Page 7: ...sspanel usi ng the suppl i ed har dwar e Classic GrilleModel shown Installation isthesamefor S port GrilleModels Al waysf ol l ow pr opersaf ety pr ocedur esUse eye pr otecti on atal lti mesand a dust...

Page 8: ...i mi tati ons on i mpl i ed warranti es ther ef or e these excl usi ons may notappl y to you Thi s warranty gi ves you speci f i c l egalri ghts and you may al so have otherri ghtswhi ch vary f r om...
