1 0 W6 v 3 S u b wo o f e r Dr iv e r
Congratulations on your purchase of a JL Audio subwoofe r compone nt. Your JL Audio subwoofe r
is a pre c ision loudspe ake r which has be e n e ngine e re d to produce the highe st quality sub-bass
pe r formance in your ve hicle . Authorize d JL Audio de ale rs have e xte nsive te chnical information
for many diffe re nt applications of your ne w spe ake r. The y also have the knowle dge , skills and tools
to build a high-quality e nclosure that will maximize the pe r formance of your spe ake r. We highly
re comme nd that you have your e nclosure built by an authorize d JL Audio de ale r.
Inside you will find spe c ifications and two re comme nde d e nclosure s for your spe ake r ; one is a
se ale d e nclosure , the othe r is a porte d de sign. Both type s of e nclosure s will give you e xce lle nt sound
quality and low-fre que nc y e xte nsion. The se ale d e nclosure is a be tte r choice if space is e xtre me ly
tight, but the porte d e nclosure will produce 3dB more output at the same powe r if you have the
e xtra space to work with.