Thank you for choosing Jitron Non Contact Forehead Thermometer JTMI-606M. The thermometer does not radi-
ate any infrared rays and is designed for non-contact forehead temperature measurement. This Quick Guide
provides important steps that help you to test your temperature. Please read the detailed User's Guide in the box
carefully before using the meter.
Before you begin, make sure that the sensor is clean and without damage. Human and thermometer should stay
in steady state room condition for at least 30 minutes before the measurement. We recommend you measure 3
times and take the average reading as your temperature.
In power ON mode, press the “MODE” button to switch between the modes “Body” and “Surface”. Set at “Body
mode” for forehead temperature measurement.
1. LCD Display
2. Battery Cover
3. ON/SCAN Button
4. SET Button
5. MEMORY Button
6. MODE Button
7. IR Sensor
Forehead measurement is convenient. It requires a
clean forehead to scan. Clean the forehead before the
Aim the sensor at the middle of the forehead 1 to 5 cm
away. Then press and release the "ON/SCAN" button.
The measurement will be displayed in two seconds.
Wait 1 second for the next measurement and wait at
least 30 seconds after five consecutive measurements.
As the forehead temperature is likely to be affected by
many factors including sweat, oil, cosmetics and
surroundings the forehead reading can be taken as a
reference only.
Body Mode
1~5 cm