Jetter AG
Maintenance and repairs | 9
User Manual – JXM-IO-E30
64 / 70
9 Maintenance and repairs
9.1 Maintenance, repairs and disposal
This device is maintenance-free.
Therefore, for the operation of the device no inspection or maintenance is re-
Defective components could cause dangerous malfunctions and could compro-
mise safety.
Only the manufacturer is allowed to repair the device.
It is forbidden to open the device.
Disposal of
obsolete equipment
The device must be disposed of in accordance with the Environmental Product
Declaration EPD. Applicable local environmental directives and regulations must
be complied with. This product must be disposed of as waste electronic equip-
ment. Waste packaging material must be recycled or reused.
Modifications and
alterations to the
Modifications and alterations to the device and its functions are not allowed. In
the case of modifications to the device, any liability is excluded.
The original parts are specifically designed for the device. Parts and equipment
from other manufacturers must, therefore, not be used.
Any liability for any damages resulting from the use of non-original parts and
equipment is excluded.
9.2 Storage and shipment
When storing the device observe the environmental conditions given in chapter
“Technical specifications”.
Shipment and
The device contains electrostatically sensitive components which can be dam-
aged if not handled properly. Damages to the device may impair its reliability.
To protect the device from impact or shock, it must be shipped in its original
packaging, or in an appropriate protective ESD packaging.
In case of damaged packaging inspect the device for any visible damage, and in-
form your freight forwarder and the Jetter AG of the damage caused during ship-
ment. If the device is damaged or has been dropped, it is strictly forbidden to use