Battery charging and care:
The engine come with a LiPo (2 cell) batteries. You can use any type and capacity of battery, but only of 7,2 - 7,4V
nominal voltage, minimum recommended capacity is 2000mAh 20C type. Never use a 3s (11,1V) battery. Special
care should be taken with LiPo technology and they should be charged with a LiPo charger, using a regular NiCad
charger could cause the battery exploding or taking fire. Always follow the charger manufacturer
The ecu will not start the engine if the batteries show low voltage, but once the engine is running, the ecu will
keep it running until the batteries are completely empty, so this can cause the battery to discharge below it’s
safe voltage.
Always disconnect the batteries from the ecu after a flying session. Always there is a small amount of current
drawn from the ecu that can cause that a fully charged battery of 2000mAh be empty after 2 month.
Running Time Counter
Using the second left hand button, scroll through the menu’s to the INFO menu.
This screen contains a timer which shows:
The total running time of the engine in minutes (Tot).
The time in seconds of the last engine run (Last).
The total number of starts (cycles - CY) .
Use this screen to keep track of your total running time and starts.
Extra ECU functions
The ecu provide several menus that allow to do some tests and personalize some settings, like:
Adjust the thrust/throttle curve (Linear, Expo,Intermediate). Usual seting is EXPO that provides linear RPM
Check the capacity of battery used.
Test the starter, Glow Plug, valves and Pump.
Check the failsafe counter (time and pulses of wrong RC signal).
Check and set the maximum airspeed (if pitot tube and sensor installed).
Adjust maximum engine power.
Please refer to the FADEC manual
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